“Shearer’s work combines a mute precision with an other-worldliness grounded in the stuff of the everyday.”
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: ‘Universal Fragments – Conversations with Trevor Shearer’, 10 October 2013 – 24 January 2014, with a text by Ed Krčma.
Trevor Shearer (1958 – 2013) was a British artist who found the idea of exhibiting his work exceptionally difficult, and rarely did so. He died at the beginning of 2013, leaving behind the largely unseen results of a practice that extended across a wide range of media, and which finds its centre of gravity in a remarkably subtle yet unprecious way of thinking and working. Shearer’s intense reticence was equaled by – perhaps even directly proportionate to – the disarming intelligence of his decisions, and the care and precision with which his work was made. Enigmatic while resisting any of the grand connotations that this word might evoke, his work combines a mute precision with an other-worldliness always grounded in the stuff of the everyday.