“Guides the reader through the peculiarity of the language of Italian post-war art”
‘THE GALLANT APPAREL: Italian Art and the Modern’ charts a line through the main exponents of Italian modern and contemporary art from Lucio Fontana to Ettore Spalletti, and examines the development of ideas about art and its production in Italy from the late 1950s right through to the 1990s.
Guides the reader through the peculiarity of the language of Italian post-war art, which carries the conviction that it is truly the ‘form of the language’ that gives form to the world. Explores the fascination with surface, texture and thee-dimensionality in painting prevalent amongst many of these artists, whether it be through Fontana’s revolutionary Buchi or Tagli, or through Castellani and Bonalumi’s protrusions, the overlaid constructions of Scheggi and Bianco, or the cut canvases of Dadamaino.