Open: Wed-Sat 12-6pm

14 Greek Street, W1D 4DP, London, United Kingdom
Open: Wed-Sat 12-6pm


Hanne Peeraer: Soft Reset

Soho Revue, London

Wed 15 Jan 2025 to Sat 29 Mar 2025

14 Greek Street, W1D 4DP Hanne Peeraer: Soft Reset

Wed-Sat 12-6pm

Artist: Hanne Peeraer

Soho Revue present ‘Soft Reset’, a solo exhibition by interdisciplinary artist Hanne Peeraer. Soft celestial forms with spiked edges hang from the ceiling. Darts of colour slipping through them, as they gently twist, viewers are invited to sit and look up to watch the works drift above.


Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

7 × 7 × 9 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

9 × 10 × 8 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

30 × 45 × 30 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

10 × 7 × 5 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

7 × 11 × 7 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Oil on canvas

90 × 110 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil of perspex

40 × 45 × 30 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

7 × 10 × 4 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Oil on canvas

90 × 110 cm

Hanne Peeraer

Pencil on perspex

13 × 15 × 8 cm

Grounded in research into neuroaesthetics, and an investigation surrounding the illusory nature of perception, Peeraer seeks out nuance. Rather than there being a divided and cold hard line between ‘before’ and ‘after’ in our lives, the artist’s work deciphers how we may hold memory to interpret and anticipate the future.

The titular reference nods too to the pervasive presence of technology, going deeper into how computation is not a cold circuitry but as nature's own method. Peeraer sees life itself as an ongoing process of pattern-recognition and subtle adaptation. Symmetries and paired forms throughout the exhibition trace these recurring patterns—cellular architectures, cosmic arrangements, neural pathways, abstract reasoning. In weaving these together, the work seeks to reconcile seemingly disparate realms of biology, philosophy, prayer, and embodied experience.

The central mobile Baby Universe aims to embody the hypnagogic space between waking and sleeping; when consciousness softens and something else seeps in with gentle ease. Rather than making grand proclamations about our future, the piece creates a protective bubble for wonder, like a drift that feels both vast and somehow safe. Flanking it, two paintings embody the grounding force of two personal relationships that have anchored Peeraer’s lived experience throughout her research. They are intimate, abstract portraits of human scale that serve as counterpoints to this collective human reaching the future.

'Soft Reset' asks how we may reconcile what we are forced to feel in these expanding horizons, and what we can measure and name. Among these larger questions and ruminations on life philosophies, we return to softness, and to the importance of holding space for our human scale and needs.

“Our readiness for tomorrow lives not only in technological hardness but in our capacity for gentle attention, for expanding our self-understanding while maintaining our essential tenderness,”

- Hanne Peeraer

all images © the gallery and the artist(s)

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