Richard Saltoun
Eleanor Antin
Library Science, 1971
27 library catalogue cards, 25 black and white photographs, 1 original artist's statement, 1 original outline of Library of Congress code system, 1 Pamphlet of Xerox pages of the Outline of the Library of Congress Classification schedule
0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 mm
Cards: 7.5 x 13 cm each, artist's statement: 27.9 x 21.6 cm
© The Artist. Courtesy Richard Saltoun Gallery
Added to list
Renate Bertlmann
Alexander Brodsky
Jagoda Buić
Helen Chadwick
Lili Dujourie
Rose English
Romany Eveleigh
Simryn Gill
Alexis Hunter
Vivienne Koorland
Bob Law
Bice Lazzari
Rosa Lee
Barbara Levittoux-Świderska
Bertina Lopes
Franca Maranò
Eliseo Mattiacci
Everlyn Nicodemus
Marinella Pirelli
Senza titolo n.2 [Untitled n.2], 2001
Gold leaf, nitrolac and acetate on card
360.0 × 510.0 × 0.0 mm
Framed dimensions: 51 x 36 cm
Signed and dated on the front, LR Marinellia 6 2001. On the back, inscription Senza titolo N.2, oro e nitrolac 2001 , Marinellia Pirelli, Campi d’oro 40,varese, Italia”, in alto a destra, iscrizione “10A ”
Su Richardson
Greta Schödl
Berni Searle
Penny Slinger
Annegret Soltau
Meine verlorenen Haare [My lost hair], 1977
183 A4 sheets, each for 1 day, presented in 12 binders, each sheet dated and consisting of the artist's hair affixed to the paper, together with a set of 11 vintage black and white photographs
Each photo: 12 x 9 cm. Each sheet: 29.7 x 21 cm. Unique
© Annegret Soltau, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany 2020. Courtesy of Richard Saltoun Gallery, London.
Jo Spence
Irritation - There is a Criminal Touch to Art, 1976
Set of 11 analogue Baryta prints with film, printed 2018. Single channel video, 16 mm film transferred to digital, B&W, sound
0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 mm
27 min 51 sec. Each print: 61.5 x 45 cm
Edition 7 of 10 + 2 AP. Courtesy ULAY Foundation, LIMA, Amsterdam and Richard Saltoun Gallery, London
Irritation - There is a Criminal Touch to Art, 1976
Set of 11 analogue Baryta prints with film, printed 2018. Single channel video, 16 mm film transferred to digital, B&W, sound
0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 mm
27 min 51 sec. Each print: 61.5 x 45 cm
Edition 7 of 10 + 2 AP. Courtesy ULAY Foundation, LIMA, Amsterdam and Richard Saltoun Gallery, London
Irritation - There is a Criminal Touch to Art, 1976
Set of 11 analogue Baryta prints with film, printed 2018. Single channel video, 16 mm film transferred to digital, B&W, sound
0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 mm
27 min 51 sec. Each print: 61.5 x 45 cm
Edition 7 of 10 + 2 AP. Courtesy ULAY Foundation, LIMA, Amsterdam and Richard Saltoun Gallery, London