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Stainless steel, glass, cement board, led lights 40 × 60 × 30 cm
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stainless steel, 32” monitor
LED display, stainless steel 73 × 192 × 8 cm It is a media sculpture with one side made of video and the other side made of stainless steel.
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oil on linen 130 × 162.2 cm
oil on linen 112 × 145.5 cm
oil on linen 60.6 × 72.7 cm
oil on linen 45.5 × 53 cm
oil on linen 120 × 162.2 cm
acrylic spray and oil on linen 130 × 162.2 cm
acrylic and oil on linen 130 × 162.2 cm
korean ink and oil on linen 73 × 100 cm
oil on canvas 162 × 227.3 cm
oil on linen 130 × 162.2 mm
single channel video, sound, 32m42s 38 × 145 cm
collected object, colored wood, bees 108 × 234 × 84 cm
Watercolor and oil on linen 182 × 227 cm Two different works of the same size.
Oil and UVprint on canvas 91 × 91 cm
마대 천 위 금사 45 × 55 cm
Lenticular printing Silver aluminum frame 130.3 × 194 cm
2K video with sound 21’ 45” video
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