Findlay Galleries
Established: 1870
Findlay Galleries celebrates 151 years in the art business. A family business founded in 1870 representing over 100 artists and artist estates, with gallery locations in both Palm Beach and New York. Specializing in Impressionism, European Modernism, l’Ecole de Rouen, l’Ecole de Paris, and 20th Century American Art, with exclusive representation of Contemporary Artists and Artist Estates.
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Current Exhibitions

Findlay Galleries
32 East 57th, 2nd FloorNew York
NY 10022
United States
+1 212 421 5390
Open: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm

Findlay Galleries Palm Beach
165 Worth AvenuePalm Beach
United States
+1 561 655 2090
Open: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Gallery Artists
- Lucien Adrion
- Charles Angrand
- Paul Aïzpiri
- Merio Ameglio
- Albert André
- Tadashi Asoma
- Philippe Auge
- James Bard
- Charles Beauverie
- Fernand Bivel (Achille Lucien)
- Leon Berkowitz
- Johann Berthelsen
- Georges Binet
- Antoine Blanchard
- Norman Bluhm
- Beltrán Bofill
- Ilya Bolotowsky
- Camille Bombois
- Pierre Bonnard
- Léonard Bordes
- Georges Bradberry
- Simeon Braguin
- Georges Braque
- Byron Browne
- Karl Albert Buehr
- Orville Bulman
- James E. Buttersworth
- Louis Alexandre Cabié
- Alexander Calder
- Charles Camoin
- Jean Carzou
- Jean-Pierre Cassigneul
- Jean-Charles Cazin
- Marc Chagall
- Jean Chaleyé
- Jean-Claude Chauray
- Georges Chauvel
- Chuang Che
- Eugène Clary
- Édouard Cortès
- Marcel Couchaux
- Montague Dawson
- Édouard de Bergevin
- Isabelle de Ganay
- Edgar Degas
- Marcel Delaunay
- Paul Deltombe
- Léon Detroy
- John Bentham Dinsdale
- Jean Duffy
- Pierre Dumont
- Michael Dunbar
- Alfred Dunet
- Jules Dupré
- Leonard Edmondson
- Dietz Edzard
- Suzanne Eisendieck
- Julien Féron
- John Ferren
- Mia Fonssagrives Solow
- Gordon Onslow Ford
- Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
- Eugène Galien-Laloue
- Dimitry Gerrman
- Paule Gobillard
- Gilles Gorriti
- Barbara Grad
- Hugo Grenville
- John Grillo
- Narcisse Guilbert
- Jean Baptiste Armand Guillaumin
- Octave Denis Victor Guillonnet
- Paul Guiramand
- André Hambourg
- Childe Hassam
- Priscilla Heine
- Narcisse Hénocque
- Auguste Herbin
- Jules-René Hervé
- Pierre Hodé
- David Holmes
- Cherry Jeffe Huldah
- Ward Jackson
- Antonio Jacobsen
- Georges Jeannin
- Constantin Kluge
- Emmanuel de La Villeon
- Gaston Lachaise
- Wifredo Lam
- Noah Landfield
- Ronnie Landfield
- Marie Laurencin
- Abel Lauvray
- Eugène Lavieille
- Henri Lebasque
- Albert Lebourg
- Paul Lecomte
- Seung-hee Lee
- Fernand Léger
- John Leone
- Pierre Letellier
- Frank Lobdell
- Louis Abel-Truchet
- Michael Allen Lowe
- Maximilien Luce
- Élisée Maclet
- Hypolite Madelaine
- Henri Maïk
- Albert Malet
- Henri Martin
- Jacques Martin-Ferrières
- Henri Matisse
- Roberto Matta
- Frederick McDuff
- Lillian Burk Meeser
- Zvonimir Mihanovic
- Joan Miró
- Pierre-Eugene Montezin
- Grandma Moses
- Charles Neal
- Leonard Nelson
- George Nemethy
- Gustavo Novoa
- Annette Ollivary
- Gen Paul
- Lê Phổ
- Pablo Picasso
- Maurice Prendergast
- Fritz Rauh
- Peter Reginato
- Pierre-Auguste Renoir
- Lluis Ribas
- William Trost Richards
- Robert Richenburg
- Léon Richet
- Adrian Rigby
- Thomas Rouxeville
- René Sautin
- Gaston Sébire
- Henri Le Sidaner
- Nicola Simbari
- Henrik Simonsen
- Mary Sipp Green
- Chaim Soutine
- Richard Boies Stark
- Frank Stella
- Léon Suzanne
- Raymond Thibesart
- Jean Thieulin
- Pierre Le Trividic
- Constant Troyon
- Louis Valtat
- Kees van Dongen
- Vincent van Gogh
- Henri Vignet
- Maurice de Vlaminck
- Michaele Vollbracht
- Peter Von Artens
- Vu-Cao Dam
- James Webb
- Guy C. Wiggins
- Jack Wright
- Francisco Zúñiga
- Judy Dolnick