Entanglement Choreography I (figs. 1, 7, 13, 19), 2023
Glass optical mirrors, cast aluminum, electric turntable, wood pedestal 24 × 24 × 32 1/2 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami, New York. Photo: Guang Xu
Entanglement Choreography II (figs. 2, 8, 14, 20), 2023
Glass optical mirrors, cast aluminum, electric turntable, wood pedestal 24 × 24 × 32 1/2 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami, New York. Photo: Guang Xu
Entanglement Choreography III (figs. 3, 9, 15, 21), 2023
Glass optical mirrors, cast aluminum, electric turntable, wood pedestal 24 × 24 × 32 1/2 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami, New York. Photo: Guang Xu
Entanglement Choreography IV (figs. 4, 10, 16, 22), 2023
Glass optical mirrors, cast aluminum, electric turntable, wood pedestal 24 × 24 × 32 1/2 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami, New York. Photo: Guang Xu
Entanglement Choreography V (figs. 5, 11, 17, 23), 2023
Glass optical mirrors, cast aluminum, electric turntable, wood pedestal 24 × 24 × 32 1/2 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami, New York. Photo: Guang Xu
Entanglement Choreography VI (figs. 6, 12, 18, 24), 2023
Glass optical mirrors, cast aluminum, electric turntable, wood pedestal 24 × 24 × 32 1/2 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami, New York. Photo: Guang Xu
Dichroic laminated glass consisting of crash glass, float glass and gelatin filters 120 × 120 cm 47 1/4 × 47 1/4 in Courtesy the artist and Bortolami Gallery, New York. Photo: Guang Xu. Edition 1 of 1 + 1 AP