fiac 2013
Exhibiting Galleries:
303 Gallery
A arte Invernizzi
Air de Paris
Alain Gutharc
Alfonso Artiaco
Algus Greenspon
Almine Rech Gallery
Andrea Rosen Gallery
Anne de Villepoix
Annely Juda Fine Art
Balice Hertling
Bernard Ceysson
Broadway 1602
Bugada & Cargnel
Campoli Presti
Capitain Petzel
Carl Freedman Gallery
carlier | gebauer
Catherine Bastide
Catriona Jeffries Gallery
Cherry and Martin
Cortex Athletico
David Kordansky Gallery
David Zwirner
Dvir Gallery
Elizabeth Dee
Ellen De Bruijne Projects
Essex Street
Esther Schipper
Florence Loewy
Fonds municipal d’art contemporain – Ville deParis
Francesca Minini
François Ghebaly Gallery
Françoise Paviot
Freymond-Guth Fine Arts
Gabriele Senn Galerie
Gabrielle Maubrie
Gagosian Gallery
Galeria Fortes Vilaça
Galería Guillermo de Osma
Galeria Nara Roesler
Galeria Plan B
Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Galerie 1900-2000
Galerie Bärbel Grässlin
Galerie Chantal Crousel
Galerie Daniel Templon
Galerie Denise René
Galerie Eigen + Art
Galerie Eva Presenhuber
Galerie Frank Elbaz
Galerie Guido W. Baudach Wedding
Galerie Hans Mayer
Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi
Galerie Karsten Greve
Galerie Krinzinger
Galerie Laurent Godin
Galerie Max Hetzler
Galerie Michel Rein
Galerie Micheline Szwajcer
Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
Galerie Nagel Draxler
Galerie Nathalie Obadia Paris / Brussels
Galerie Nathalie Seroussi
Galerie Nelson-Freeman
Galerie Neu
Galerie Perrotin
Galerie Pietro Spartà
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Galerie Thomas Zander
Galerie Valentin
Galerie Zlotowski
Galleri Nicolai Wallner
Galleria Continua
Galleria Franco Noero
Galleria Massimo Minini
Galleria Raffaella Cortese
Gaudel de Stampa
Gavin Brown’s enterprise
gb agency
Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois
Gió Marconi
Gladstone Gallery
Goodman Gallery
Greene Naftali Gallery
Hauser & Wirth
House of Gaga
hunt kastner
In Situ – Fabienne Leclerc
Jan Mot
Jeanne Bucher / Jaeger Bucher
Jérôme Poggi
Jessica Silverman Gallery
JGM. Galerie
Jocelyn Wolff
Jonathan Viner
Jousse Entreprise
Juliètte Jongma
Kadel Willborn
kamel mennour
Karma International
kaufmann repetto
Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler
Kukje Gallery
Le Minotaure
Lehmann Maupin Gallery
Lelong Editions
Lisson Gallery
Luciana Brito Galeria
Mai 36 Galerie
Marcelle Alix
Marian Goodman Gallery
Martin van Zomeren
Martine Aboucaya
Massimo De Carlo
Matthew Marks Gallery
McKee Gallery
Meessen De Clercq
Mehdi Chouakri
Mendes Wood
Metro Pictures
Meyer Riegger
mfc-michèle didier
Michael Werner
Mother’s Tankstation
Neue Alte Brücke
New Galerie
Office Baroque
Overduin & Kite
Pace Gallery
Parra & Romero
Paula Cooper Gallery
Peres Projects
Praz -Delavallade
Ramiken Crucible
Redling Fine Art
Reena Spaulings Fine Art
Regen Projects
Sadie Coles HQ
ShanghART & H Space
Simon Lee Gallery
Skarstedt Gallery
Sommer Contemporary Art
Sophie Scheidecker
Sprüth Magers BerlinLondon
Stigter Van Doesburg
The Approach
the third line
Tina Kim Gallery
Tornabuoni Art
Triple V
Tucci Russo Studio per l’Arte Contemporanea
UBU Gallery
Van de Weghe
Victoria Miro Gallery
Vilma Gold
Vitamin Creative Space
Waddington Custot Galleries
White Cube
Xavier Hufkens
Yvon Lambert
Zak | Branicka
Zeno X Gallery
Main Fair Galleries
Carlo Ciussi. Una danza di tracce e colore
@A arte InvernizziCarlo Ciussi. Una danza di tracce e colore25 Feb - 29 Apr 2025Mon-Fri 10am-1pm & 3pm-7pm, Sat by appointmentnot open todayFrancesco Vezzoli presents: KARL GOES TO MEMPHIS. Tribute to a historical encounter in Monte Carlo
@Almine RechFrancesco Vezzoli presents: KARL GOES TO MEMPHIS. Tribute to a historical encounter in Monte Carlo20 Mar - 24 May 2025Tue-Sat 10am-6pmnot open todaySuzanne Treister: HEXEN 5.0 and Museum Paintings
@Annely Juda Fine ArtSuzanne Treister: HEXEN 5.0 and Museum Paintings20 Mar - 3 May 2025Mon-Fri 10am-5.30pm, Sat 11am-5pmnot open todayPierre-Olivier Arnaud: Nouveaux Éléments. Part II
@Art: Conceptlast weeklast weekPierre-Olivier Arnaud: Nouveaux Éléments. Part II15 Mar - 5 Apr 2025Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 11am-7pmnot open todayZhanna Kadyrova: Strategic Locations
@Galleria Continua Maraisjust openedjust openednot open todayMax Ernst & Joaquín Ferrer: Les surprises du hasard
@Galleria Continua Matignonforthcoming:not open todaySteven Shearer: The Golden Recline
@Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Maag Arealforthcoming:Steven Shearer: The Golden Recline5 Apr - 16 May 2025Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat 11am-5pm & by appointmentnot open todayDavid Goldblatt and Clive van den Berg: Trace, Tremor, Remnant
@Goodman Galleryjust openedjust openedDavid Goldblatt and Clive van den Berg: Trace, Tremor, Remnant27 Mar - 3 May 2025Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 12-5pmnot open todayGuillaume Barth: Elina 2015-2025, the promise to the Aymaras
@Jeanne Bucher Jaeger, Maraisforthcoming:not open todayNathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg: Don’t be Afraid, There are Treasures Behind These Locked Doors
@Lisson GalleryNathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg: Don’t be Afraid, There are Treasures Behind These Locked Doors8 Mar - 30 Apr 2025Tue-Sat 11am-6pmnot open today
Other Galleries at fiac 2013
- 303 Gallery
- Alain Gutharc
- Algus Greenspon
- Andrea Rosen Gallery
- Anne de Villepoix
- Applicat-Prazan
- Balice Hertling
- Bernard Ceysson
- Broadway 1602
- Bugada & Cargnel
- Bureau
- C L E A R I N G
- Carl Freedman Gallery
- castillo/corrales
- Catriona Jeffries Gallery
- Cherry and Martin
- Crèvecoeur
- David Kordansky Gallery
- Dvir Gallery
- Elizabeth Dee Gallery
- Ellen De Bruijne Projects
- Emanuela Campoli
- Essex Street
- Esther Schipper
- Florence Loewy
- Fonds municipal d'art contemporain
- Fortes D'Aloia & Gabriel
- Francesca Minini
- François Ghebaly Gallery
- Françoise Paviot
- Freymond-Guth Fine Arts
- Gabriele Senn Galerie
- Gabrielle Maubrie
- Gagosian London
- Galería Guillermo de Osma
- Galeria Raquel Arnaud
- Galerie 1900-2000
- Galerie Catherine Bastide
- Galerie Denise René
- Galerie Eigen + Art
- Galerie Hans Mayer
- Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi
- Galerie Karsten Greve
- Galerie Micheline Szwajcer
- Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
- Galerie Nagel Draxler
- Galerie Natalie Seroussi
- Galerie Neu
- Galerie Pietro Spartà
- Galerie Thomas Bernard
- Galerie Valentin
- Galerie Zlotowski
- Galleri Nicolai Wallner
- Galleria Franco Noero
- Galleria Massimo Minini
- Galleria Raffaella Cortese
- Gavin Brown’s enterprise
- gb agency
- gdm
- Gió Marconi
- Greene Naftali
- House of Gaga
- hunt kastner
- In Situ - Fabienne Leclerc
- Jan Mot
- Jérôme Poggi
- Jessica Silverman Gallery
- Jonathan Viner
- Jousse Entreprise
- Juliètte Jongma
- Kadel Willborn
- Karma International
- kaufmann repetto
- Kisterem
- Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler
- Kukje Gallery
- kurimanzutto
- Labor
- Le Minotaure
- Lehmann Maupin
- Lelong Editions
- Luciana Brito Galeria
- Marcelle Alix
- Marian Goodman
- Martin van Zomeren
- Martine Aboucaya
- Matthew Marks Gallery
- McKee Gallery
- Mehdi Chouakri
- Mendes Wood DM
- Metro Pictures
- mfc-michèle didier
- Michel Rein
- Monitor
- Motive
- Neue Alte Brücke
- Neugerriemschneider
- Office Baroque
- Overduin & Co.
- Parra & Romero
- Paula Cooper Gallery
- Peter Freeman, Inc.
- ProjecteSD
- Ramiken Crucible
- Redling Fine Art
- Reena Spaulings Fine Art
- Regen Projects
- Sfeir-Semler Gallery
- ShanghART
- Simon Lee Gallery
- Sommer Contemporary Art
- Sophie Scheidecker
- Stigter Van Doesburg
- Triple V
- UBU Gallery
- Van de Weghe
- Vedovi
- Vilma Gold
- Vitamin Creative Space
- Xavier Hufkens
- Xippas
- Yvon Lambert
- Zak | Branicka
- Zeno X Gallery