Carlos Bunga is now represented by Nara Roesler

Nara Roesler is pleased to announce the representation of the artist Carlos Bunga (1976, Porto, Portugal). Known for his site-specific installations made from industrialized materials such as cardboard, adhesive tape, paint, and glue, Carlos Bunga produces sculptures, paintings, drawings, performances, videos, and installations, through which he seeks to explain his own creative process. His works establish a dialogue with the space in which they are inserted, inviting the viewer to reflect on the relationship between the body and the space, questioning the role of architecture and cities as languages of power. One of the key points of Bunga’s poetics is the ambivalence contained in the materials he uses, while being light and apparently fragile, they are simultaneously capable of building extremely resistant structures.

Although installations and performances form the basis of many of his works, painting in the expanded field is a dominant factor in his research since factors such as color and texture are fundamental to his production. With a background in painting, the artist gradually moved away from two-dimensionality in search of a break with the surface and the questioning of traditional painting supports. "Painting is present, directly or indirectly, in all my works, it is the basis of my thoughts, a multifaceted place, full of layers, perspectives, and smells."

photo: Museo Reina Sofia Photography Archive

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