Jake Elwes

Zizi in Motion: A Deepfake Drag Utopia (movement by Wet Mess) - Wet Mess, Tete Bang, Sister Sister, Ruby, Oedipussi Rex, Miss Terri Boxx, Me The Drag Queen, Mark Anthony, Mahatma Khandi, Luke Slyka, Lilly SnatchDragon, Lavinia Co-op, HERR, Dakota Schiffer, Dahc Dermur VIII, Chiyo, Charlie Wood, Cara Melle, Bourgeoisie, Bolly-Illusion, Baby Lame


Single channel video projection no sound

217 min loop

Ed. 1/1 +2AP EACH


Gazelli Art House

London West End


in their first solo exhibition at the gallery, Elwes examines and unpacks the black box of artificial intelligence

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