31 Oct - 12 Dec 2020
situated amongst two separate historical moments, this sprawling group exhibition commemorates the one-hundredth anniversary of the 19th amendment’s ratification, guaranteeing women’s suffrage in the United States
Auto tires, bicycle tires, bicycle tubes, wood, bicycle parts, zip ties, and screws
457.0 × 991.0 × 457.0 mm
Courtesy of the artist and GAVLAK Los Angeles / Palm Beach. Photography by Sebastian Bach
31 Oct - 12 Dec 2020
situated amongst two separate historical moments, this sprawling group exhibition commemorates the one-hundredth anniversary of the 19th amendment’s ratification, guaranteeing women’s suffrage in the United States
, 2019
Auto tires, bicycle tires, bicycle tubes, wood, bicycle parts, zip ties, and screws
457.0 × 991.0 × 457.0 mm
, 2021
Auto tires, bicycle tires and tubes, wood, screws, spray paint, bicycle gears and chains
292.1 × 1155.7 × 279.4 mm
, 2021
Auto tires, bicycle tires and tubes, wood, screws, spray paint, zip ties, bicycle gears
355.6 × 1778.0 × 355.6 mm