“like a spark, he reacts in an instant to the city and to people. I don’t think he stares and composes an image, but rather passes by, glancing” - Simon Baker
Silkscreen on canvas, printed 2012
1628.0 × 1200.2 mm
Edition of 3. Signed and numbered in ink on the verso
London West End
“like a spark, he reacts in an instant to the city and to people. I don’t think he stares and composes an image, but rather passes by, glancing” - Simon Baker
, 1967, from the series "Japan A Photo Theater"
Gelatin silver print
, 1967, from the series "Japan A Photo Theater"
Gelatin silver print
, 1987, from the series "Tights in Shimotakaido"
Gelatin silver print
, 2012, from the series "Labyrinth"
Silver Gelatin print
1490.0 × 1080.0 mm
, 1990, from the series "Lettre à Saint Loup"
Gelatin silver print
, 1990, from the series "Lettre à Saint Loup"
Gelatin silver print