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By Günther Förg
Untitled, WVF.06.B.0126, 2006
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Acrylic on canvas
166 × 200 cm
11 Jul - 29 Sep 2023
Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 11am-2pm
, 2003
Untitled, 2003
3203.0 × 2509.0 × 28.0 mm
, 1995
Untitled, 1995
6000.0 × 4000.0 mm
, 1998
Untitled, 1998
Acrylic on paper
1000 × 1480 mm
, 2014
By Silvia Bächli
Untitled Bündelungen, 2014
Gouache on paper
150 × 200 cm
, 2008
Untitled, 2008
1060.0 × 1340.0 × 250.0 mm
, 2007
Untitled, 2007
Acrylic on panel, mounted on white painted wood
550.0 × 450.0 mm
, 2000
Untitled, 2000
, 2001
Standomi 94, 2001
Watercolor on paper
480.0 × 360.0 mm
Acrylic and oil on canvas
2000 × 1800 mm
, 1997
Untitled, 1997
Acrylic and chalk on cardboard
500.0 × 600.0 mm
, 1994
Untitled, 1994
Acrylic on wood
Untitled , 2007
1402 × 1507 × 29 mm
, 1990
Untitled (Mask), 1990
300.0 × 480.0 × 300.0 mm
, 2002
Untitled, 2002
165 × 195 × 5 cm
, 2006
300.0 × 440.0 × 300.0 mm
, 1988/1998
Barcelona Pavillon, 1988/1998
120 × 270 cm
, 1988
Untitled, 1988
Acrylic on lead on wood
3005.0 × 2000.0 mm
Untitled, 1990
310.0 × 500.0 × 310.0 mm
4200.0 × 2500.0 mm
, 2004
By Imi Knoebel
Green in Concert, 2004
Acrylic, aluminium, plastic sheet
180 × 284 × 7.4 cm
, 2005
Gazzetta dello Sport XV, 2005
Acrylic on paper on wood
760.0 × 530.0 mm
Standomi 77, 2001
481.0 × 360.0 mm
Mixed media on Laurier paper
137 × 80 cm
, 2011
Malevic Houses Nummer 1A-8A, 2011
Acrylic on aluminium
338.2 × 38.4 × 1 cm
Untitled, WVF.88.B.0011, 1988
120 × 180 cm
Acrylic on panel, mounted on beige painted wood
300.0 × 400.0 mm
, 1975
Green Paul Veronese, 1975
Gouache and varnish on lined paper
29.3 × 21 cm
34.5 × 49.5 cm
Untitled, 2006
2500.0 × 2000.0 mm
, 1991
Untitled , 1991
Acrylic on Canson paper
148.5 × 201 cm
Standomi 51, 2001
, 1986
Untitled, WVF.86.BR.0862, 1986
Bronze with blue-green patina
70 × 120 × 6 cm
Bronze relief
1200.0 × 2610.0 × 230.0 mm
, 1996
Untitled, 1996
490.0 × 345.0 mm
Untitled (Hand), 1990
410.0 × 440.0 × 150.0 mm
1400.0 × 1600.0 mm
Chalk on black gesso on cardboard
70 × 50 cm
Acrylic on wood, mounted on wooden board
450 × 550 mm
4130.0 × 2500.0 mm
, 2009
Untitled, 2009
2900 × 2000 × 28 mm
1950.0 × 2350.0 mm
Acrylic on wood, in artist’s frame
Standomi 31, 2001
1650.0 × 1950.0 mm
, 1978/79
By Michelle Stuart
„Records: Miamisburg, Ohio/Mojave River, California“, x Mound, 1978/79
Eearth from sites on muslin mounted rag paper, black and white photographs on 100% rag board
42 × 39.5 cm
, 1989
Untitled, 1989
157 × 270 cm
Decke IV, 1998
100 × 150 cm
Untitled, 2005
Mixed media on paper
1120.0 × 460.0 mm
180.0 × 315.0 × 30.0 mm
2900 × 2900 mm
, 1983
By Sigmar Polke
Pappstreifen mit Schokolade übergossen um Praline vorzutäuschen, 1983
Mixed technique on fabric
110 × 130 cm
, 1993
Untitled, 1993
119 × 148 cm
, 1948
By Lucio Fontana
Crocefisso Lavoro ceramica, 1948
Watercolour on paper
35.5 × 45.5 cm
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