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By Simeon Braguin
SB 1998.244,
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Acrylic on canvas
1066.8 × 863.6 mm
FG© 134349
New York
5 - 31 Jul 2022
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
“his art has both the vitality and serenity of a life fully lived” - William Zimmer
, 1983
SB 1998.3, 1983
50 × 65 in
, 1976
SB 1998.108, 1976
54 × 65 in
, 1992
SB 1998.86, 1992
48 × 60 in
SB 1998.229,
42 × 34 in
Acrylic on linen
42 x 28 in.
42 x 34 in.
SB 1998.1,
1270.0 × 1651.0 mm
25 x 42 in.
42 x 30 in.
SB 1998.144, 1983
30 5/8 × 26 in
, 1975
SB 1998.102, 1975
1371.6 × 1651.0 mm
, 1990-91
SB 1998.23, 1990-91
50 1/4 × 64 1/8 in
02:0523C/95 SB 1998.143,
660.0 × 914.0 mm
, 1996
C13 Abstraction 43, 1996
48 1/4 × 60 in
, 1970
SB 1998.189, 1970
1066.8 × 762.0 mm
50 x 65 in.
SB 1998.32,
1524.0 × 1226.0 mm
SB 1998.218 Part #8, 1970
1066.8 × 711.2 mm
30 x 42 in.
, 1972
SB 1998.239, 1972
, 1971
SB 1998.226, 1971
1066.8 × 635.0 mm
SB 1998.174, 1970
635.0 × 508.0 mm
SB 1998.242,
SB 1998.233,
34 x 42 in.
SB 1998.5,
1651.0 × 1270.0 mm
34 x 32 in.
, 1990
SB 1998.24, 1990
50 × 64 in
SB 1998.172, 1970
511.2 × 711.2 mm
SB 1998.208,
, 1991
Sunrise SB 1998.27, 1991
SB 1998.240,
34 × 42 in
, 1979
SB 1998.224, 1979
, 1974
SB 1998.113, 1974
1397.0 × 1524.0 mm
SB 1998.201,
1998.22, 1990
64 × 5 in
Bearing Off SB 1998.184, 1971
1066.8 × 1727.2 mm
SB 1998.206,
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