working with preeminent expert Jaime Eguiguren, the first major survey of Latin American art from the Viceregal period ever to be staged - paintings, sculptures, textiles, and objects, alongside Pre-Columbian and Modern masterpieces
Oil and mother-of-pearl on wooden panel
600.0 × 860.0 mm
London West End
working with preeminent expert Jaime Eguiguren, the first major survey of Latin American art from the Viceregal period ever to be staged - paintings, sculptures, textiles, and objects, alongside Pre-Columbian and Modern masterpieces
, Late Classic Period, 600-800 A.D.
Limestone and stucco
740.0 mm
, Protoclassic Period, ca. 300 B.C. – 200 A.D.
367.0 × 426.0 × 305.0 mm
, ca. 1750
Polychromed and partially gilt wood, silver, imitation emerald gemstones
640.0 × 930.0 × 480.0 mm