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By Leonard Edmondson
Refuge from Fancy, 1953
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Etching with aquatint on paper
292.0 × 127.0 mm
FG© 205879
New York
12 Sep - 12 Nov 2020
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
, 1946
Composition No 22, 1946
Oil on panel
19 × 23 in
Abstraction #3,
Etching on paper
9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in.
, c. 1950
Untitled XVI, c. 1950
Watercolor and ink
508.0 × 356.0 mm
, 1952
The Parade, 1952
21 3/4 × 16 3/4 in
Jardin des plantes, c. 1950
Oil on canvas
42 × 28 in
Desert Yellow,
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 in.
Funeral Rites, c. 1950
30 × 30 in
, 1956
Untitled, 1956
Watercolor on paper
521.0 × 660.0 mm
Watercolor and ink on paper
Salon, c. 1950
Gouache and ink
483.0 × 330.0 mm
Flying Machine, 1956
197.0 × 235.0 mm
, 1959
Opera Season, 1959
Gouache and tempera on paper
463.6 × 317.5 mm
, 1963
Harvest No. 3, 1963
1168.4 × 914.4 mm
Treasure Song,
Tempera on paper
22 x 18 in.
Untitled V,
205591.0 mm
Pierced and Impaled,
48 x 38 in.
24 x 24 in.
Untitled XVI,
14 x 20 in.
Untitled XII, 1956
572.0 × 381.0 mm
, 1954
Images, 1954
1194.0 × 864.0 mm
, 1969
Untitled XVIII, 1969
22 7/8 × 17 7/8 in
Untitled WOP #4,
11 x 8 in.
Collateral Ribbon, c. 1950
762.0 × 660.0 mm
Untitled, c. 1950
Oil on masonite
914.0 × 914.0 mm
Untitled XV, c. 1950
Watercolor, colored pencil and ink on paper
572.0 × 324.0 mm
The Red Bull, c. 1950
Serigraph on paper
660.0 × 330.0 mm
Untitled #32,
36 x 42 1/8 in.
#2, c. 1950
Ink and gouache on paper
635.0 × 444.0 mm
762.0 × 762.0 mm
Untitled WOP #7,
10 x 16 in.
Landscape with figure,
1066.0 × 863.0 mm
, 1951
Blue Circle, 1951
Gouache on paper laid on cardboard
13 × 9 3/4 in
Untitled I,
24 x 36 in.
Untitled (female figure),
Ink on thin board
18 x 13 7/8 in.
Untitled 1952, 1952
914.0 × 610.0 mm
, 1953
Treasure Song, 1953
457.0 × 552.0 mm
An Occasion for Surprise,
28 x 38 in.
470.0 × 318.0 mm
Untitled #28, c. 1950
813.0 × 610.0 mm
533.0 × 381.0 mm
Letters Toward Experience, c. 1950
502.0 × 375.0 mm
Untitled 30,
28 x 28 in.
Untitled XV,
12 3/4 x 22 5/8 in.
Untitled V, 1951
711.0 × 521.0 mm
Oil on Masonite
36 x 36 in.
, 1998
Untitled WOP #3, 1998
8 × 11 mm
Interdependent Attitudes, 1953
451.0 × 368.0 mm
, 1955
Untitled XIII, 1955
229.0 × 406.0 mm
482.6 × 622.3 mm
, c. 1952
Untitled I, c. 1952
19 5/8 x 15 3/4 in.
Ebb Tide, c. 1950
, 1964
Untitled Collage I, 1964
mixed media on paper
16 1/2 × 11 1/2 mm
Flex, c. 1950
406.0 × 279.0 mm
Untitled 21, 1959
Oil on board
914.0 × 432.0 mm
An Occasion for Surprise, c. 1950
965.0 × 711.0 mm
Untitled Collage III, 1964
16 1/2 × 11 1/2 in
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