15 Sep - 17 Nov 2021
Mon-Fri 10am-1pm & 3pm-7pm, Sat by appointment
curated by Francesca Pola, works which examine the relationship between space and the sensory - by Philippe Decrauzat, Riccardo De Marchi, Martina Klein, Arcangelo Sassolino
Acrylic on canvas
1930.0 × 1930.0 mm
Courtesy A arte Invernizzi, Milan
15 Sep - 17 Nov 2021
Mon-Fri 10am-1pm & 3pm-7pm, Sat by appointment
curated by Francesca Pola, works which examine the relationship between space and the sensory - by Philippe Decrauzat, Riccardo De Marchi, Martina Klein, Arcangelo Sassolino
, 2017
Wooden board, cotton, plaster, oil-paint
360.0 × 465.0 × 210.0 mm
, 2012
Gesso and oil paint on canvas on wooden board and aluminium stick with orange neon tape
390.0 × 1505.0 × 230.0 mm
, 2019-20 & 2020
Aluminum and painting & Aluminum, painting and holes
each 100 x 80 cm
, 2008
Gesso and oil paint on canvas on wooden board
8500.0 × 755.0 mm