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By Henri Maïk
Les Gazelles,
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Lithograph on paper
559.0 × 762.0 mm
156/200 | FG© 134226
Palm Beach
14 Jul - 14 Sep 2020
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Dormir en Afrique,
Oil on canvas
63 3/4 x 51 3/16 in.
By Alexander Calder
Aquatints in colors on Arches paper
340.0 × 457.0 mm
13 x 9 7/16 in.
Les Champions,
36 1/4 x 28 3/4 in.
Les trois chats,
By James Rosenquist
A Free For All,
Lithograph in colors
498.0 × 660.0 mm
By Henri Matisse
Jeune fille aux boucles brunes,
229.0 × 279.0 mm
Les trois freres,
38 3/16 x 51 3/16 in.
By Pablo Picasso
Jeune Homme presentant un Miroir a une femme, pl. 9, Series 347,
Etching and drypoint on wove paper
454.0 × 581.0 mm
, 1964
La Reine, 1964
330.2 × 409.575 mm
The Tropics,
La Lune,
18 1/8 x 21 5/8 in.
, 1987
Rencontre, 1987
239.712 × 330.2 mm
, 1972
Le Bond d'un jeune Lion, 1972
38 3/16 × 51 3/16 in
Le Paradis,
Le tigre,
10 5/8 x 8 11/16 in.
Exposition Vallauris,
Linocut in colors on wove paper
594.0 × 775.0 mm
Florilege des Amours de Ronsard,
Lithograph on arches paper
283.0 × 384.0 mm
, 1963
Le Printemps, 1963
45 1/2 × 66 1/2 in
Le petit chat,
By Frank Stella
Shards III,
Offset lithograph & screenprint in colors on Arches paper
1010.0 × 1149.0 mm
Nuit bleue, 1972
18 1/8 × 21 5/8 in
By Gaston Sébire
Le Plage,
559.0 × 756.0 mm
16 1/4 x 13 in.
La chevre, 1964
39 3/8 × 31 7/8 in
, 1969
Le parfum d'une fleur, 1969
oil on canvas
51 3/16 × 38 3/16 in
Comme Papa,
57 1/2 x 44 7/8 in.
, 1966
Elephant Boy, 1966
330.2 × 239.712 mm
Nu au bracelet,
Linogravure sur velin d'Arches
178.0 × 241.0 mm
By Marc Chagall
Color lithograph on Arches paper
279.0 × 381.0 mm
Linocut in colors on Arches paper
648.0 × 768.0 mm
, 1977
Le Roi, 1977
13 × 9 7/16 in
Les Petits Arlequins,
464.0 × 356.0 mm
Le Roi, 1964
By Joan Miró
Untitled (from Album 21),
Color lithograph
25 1/2 x 19 5/8
Maman Tigre, 1987
Jungle Debut, 1972
Oil on panel
78 3/4 × 59 in
La Feerie et le Royaume,
Lithograph in colors on wove paper
216.0 × 302.0 mm
Tu vas tomber,
Florilege des Amours de Ronsard, p. 79,
L'ami chat,
12 15/16 x 9 3/8 in.
, 1973
Pret pour le cirque, 1973
889 × 774.7 mm
Modele au repos dans un fauteuil,
Aquatint on Richard de Bas paper
438.0 × 578.0 mm
By Salvador Dalí
L'Art dans les bijoux (Hommage aux Petits Lits Blancs),
Colored lithograph on Arches paper
572.0 × 762.0 mm
Cavalier Oriental,
16 x 17 3/8 in.
Chasse au lion,
5 1/4 x 9 in.
La lune,
Le Roi,
Cavaliers de la Nuit,
Love story au clair de lune, 1972
179.387 × 139.7 mm
, 1978
Un jour de neige, 1978
51 1/8 × 76 3/4 in
Bord de l'eau,
Le lievre et l'oiseau,
9 7/16 x 7 1/2 in.
, 1979
Le reveille du hibou, 1979
Les Plongeurs,
By Noe Canjura
Cala Lilies,
514.0 × 667.0 mm
19 1/16 x 13 in.
Le chasseur de lions, 1973
45 3/4 × 35 1/4 in
By Lee Krasner
Gold Stone, from Primary Series,
Lithograph on wove paper
762.0 × 572.0 mm
By Zvonimir Mihanovic
Morning Symphony,
34 1/2 × 34 in
Promenade du tigre avec Papa,
La chasse aux poissons,
8 3/8 x 12 1/4 in.
, 1980
Les Petits Canards, 1980
Chicago's Water Tower sous un ciel de neige,
21 5/8 x 18 1/8 in.
Une Belle Journee,
Le Pelerin de Compostelle,
Lithograph in colors on Rives BFK paper
444.0 × 597.0 mm
Un Peroquet, 1980
Rose Stone, from Primary Series,
737.0 × 552.0 mm
Les Etoiles (Red, white and Blue Sun),
1080.0 × 746.0 mm
Florilege des Amours de Ronsard, p. 56,
Le coq sur Paris,
552.0 × 762.0 mm
Sinjerli Variation,
1080.0 × 813.0 mm
Let's Go,
76 3/4 x 51 3/16 in.
Maravillas con variaciones acrosticas en el jardin de Miro,
740.0 × 527.0 mm
, 1967
Lion in yellow, 1967
8 1/2 × 6 1/4 in
By Robert Indiana
Color screenprint
864.0 × 864.0 mm
Marche dans les hautes herbes,
Une promenade,
13 x 8 11/16 in.
By Lê Phổ
Les Fleurs,
540.0 × 749.0 mm
35 1/16 x 45 11/16 in.
, 1965
La mare aux animaux, 1965
539.75 × 649.288 mm
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