“like her sculptures, with their shapeless, organic materials, her engraved work explores the ambiguity of the forms issuing from her fantasy-laced memories. She collects, skins, deconstructs, models and assembles”
Lithograph and montage, 50 copies
80 × 118 cm
© Louise Bourgeois / Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co.
“like her sculptures, with their shapeless, organic materials, her engraved work explores the ambiguity of the forms issuing from her fantasy-laced memories. She collects, skins, deconstructs, models and assembles”
, 1999
Fabric, marble, metal and glass
Vitrine: 22.2 by 44.5 by 26 cm. 8¾ by 17½ by 10¼ in.
, Conceived 1960, cast 2010
Painted bronze on bronze plinth with dark brown patina
895.0 × 1205.0 × 570.0 mm
, 2007
Watercolor, coloured pencil and etching on paper
292 × 143 mm
, 1947-1949
Bronze, painted white and blue, and stainless steel
30.5 × 167.6 × 30.5 cm
, 2007
Watercolor, gouache, colored pencil, and etching on paper
165 × 254 mm
, 1963 - 1964
Painted bronze
406.0 × 600.0 × 157.0 mm