“there is in Rodin a very pagan concern for the life-death continuum: clay as a manifestation of life and death. . . . It is a way of reminding us about the complexity of being in a body, of being alive” - Houseago
Bronze, Fonte Coubertin
885.0 × 1670.0 × 705.0 mm
Edition of 8 + 4 AP. Photo: Lucy Dawkins. Courtesy Gagosian
London West End
“there is in Rodin a very pagan concern for the life-death continuum: clay as a manifestation of life and death. . . . It is a way of reminding us about the complexity of being in a body, of being alive” - Houseago
, 1904, cast 2021
Bronze, Fonte Coubertin
885.0 × 1670.0 × 705.0 mm
, Conceived in 1875-76, cast in 1956
Height: 104cm., 41in.
, conceived c.1899; executed between June 1906 and March 1914
70 × 74.5 × 42.5 cm