significant drawings by the late American artist in the first exhibition of his work since his passing, and the first at the gallery’s London location
Paintstick on three sheets of handmade Japanese paper
© Richard Serra/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ (DACS), London. Courtesy the artist and David Zwirner
London West End
significant drawings by the late American artist in the first exhibition of his work since his passing, and the first at the gallery’s London location
, 2019
Paintstick, etching ink and silica on handmade paper
2997.0 × 1238.0 mm
, 2022
Oil stick, ink and silica, edition of 26
167.6 × 152.4 cm
, 2022
Oil stick, ink and silica, edition of 26
167.6 × 152.4 cm
, 2022
Oil stick, ink and silica, edition of 27
167.6 × 152.4 cm