an exhibition presenting two seminal bodies of Benglis’ work from the 1970s, featuring the Knots sculptural series alongside single-channel video works
Video with colour and sound
9 minutes 30 seconds
© Lynda Benglis. Courtesy of Video Data Bank, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
London West End
an exhibition presenting two seminal bodies of Benglis’ work from the 1970s, featuring the Knots sculptural series alongside single-channel video works
, 1974
Aluminium wire mesh, aluminium foil, sparkles, sculp-metal, lacquer
48.3 × 135.9 × 38.1 cm
, 2017
Cast pigmented polyurethane
129.5 x 88.9 x 43.2 cm; 51 x 35 x 17 in.
, 2021
Everdur bronze with black patina
147.3 x 147.3 x 134.6 cm; 58 x 58 x 53 in.
, 2019
White tombasil bronze
228.6 x 179.4 x 172.2 cm; 90 x 70 3/4 x 67 3/4 in.
, 1976
Aluminum wire mesh, cotton bunting, plaster, sprayed zinc, aluminum, copper
152.4 × 72 × 28 cm