Currently Exhibiting
- Michele AbelesBookshop: Zebra - £30
- John AbellJohn Abell: Cariadon Y Mynydd (The Mountain Lovers) @ Arusha Gallery, London
- Nina Chanel AbneyNina Chanel Abney and Jacolby Satterwhite @ Lincoln Center, New York
- Valerio AdamiValerio Adami @ Tornabuoni Art, Paris
- Robert AdamsBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Derrick AdamsDerrick Adams: Situation Comedy @ Gagosian Davies St, London West End
- Robert AdamsRobert Adams & Josef Albers: The Discovery of Form @ Zander Galerie, Cologne
- Etel AdnanEtel Adnan: On Paper, 1960-2021 @ Galerie Lelong & Co., New York Chelsea
- Ahn Sang HoonAhn Sang-hoon: Hands and Stains @ Gallery Chosun, Seoul
- Young-Il AhnYoung-Il Ahn: Selected Works 1986-2019 @ Perrotin Los Angeles, Los Angeles
- Eija-Liisa AhtilaBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Kelly AkashiKelly Akashi @ Lisson Gallery, Los Angeles
- John AkomfrahBookshop: John Akomfrah - £20
- Marcellina AkpojotorSocial Fabrics: Magic & Memories @ Rele, Los Angeles
- Josef AlbersRobert Adams & Josef Albers: The Discovery of Form @ Zander Galerie, Cologne
- Richard AldrichPlace Revisited @ Modern Art Helmet Row, London
- Terry AllenL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Imogen AllenBeing without being is blue @ Soho Revue, London
- Anton AlvarezAnton Alvarez, Oli Epp: Sweet Tooth @ Semiose, Paris
- Getulio AlvianiBookshop: Getulio Alviani; Works from the 60’s to the 70’s - £10
- Lulua AlyahyaWorking Title: I ❤️ Artists & Oceans @ Belmacz, London West End
- Carlotta AmanziInvite(s): Carlotta Amanzi @ Hauser & Wirth, Paris
- Harold AncartHarold Ancart: 좋은 밤 Good Night @ Gagosian at APMA Cabinet, Seoul
- Joe AndoeJoe Andoe: AM PM @ Almine Rech, Tribeca, New York
- Joël AndrianomearisoaJoël Andrianomearisoa: MIRACLE @ Almine Rech, New York Upper East Side
- Pearl AngristIn Focus | Pearl Angrist @ Berry Campbell Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Giovanni AnselmoBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Sara AnstisSara Anstis: Bath @ Perrotin Tokyo, Tokyo
- Eleanor AntinBookshop: Me, Myself and I - £2
- Bookshop: Richard Saltoun Gallery Publications - £40
- Elli AntoniouKristian Touborg, Marie Schumann, Elli Antoniou + Élise Peroi @ CARVALHO PARK, New York
- Leonor AntunesLeonor Antunes: strips, trunks, trees and dots @ Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo
- Haffendi AnuarFeeling like home @ ai., London
- Karel AppelKarel Appel: The Classic Themes @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Bleibtreustraße 45, Berlin
- Isabel & Alfredo AquilizanIsabel & Alfredo Aquilizan: Ellipsis @ Ames Yavuz, London West End
- Riera i AragóRiera i Aragó: Timeless Odyssey @ Bluerider ART London, London West End
- Cory ArcangelBookshop: Issue 1 - £5
- Bookshop: Issue 4 - £6.5
- Søren ArildsenSøren Arildsen: In the Seams @ The Artist Room, London West End
- Benjamin ArmstrongBenjamin Armstrong: Traverse @ Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne
- Pierre-Olivier ArnaudPierre-Olivier Arnaud: Nouveaux Éléments. Part II @ Art: Concept, Paris
- Art & LanguageBookshop: The Non-Objective World Art & Language Kabakov - £30
- Taher Asad-BakhtiariTaher Asad-Bakhtiari: Tribal Weave Project @ HOSTLER | BURROWS, Los Angeles
- Ed AtkinsBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- Ed Atkins @ Tate Britain, London
- Frank AuerbachBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Richard AvedonRichard Avedon: Italian Days @ Gagosian, Rome
- Frank Avray WilsonBookshop: Abstract Expressionist Paintings 1953 - 1963 - £15
- Bookshop: British Tachist - £25
- Gillian AyresShake the cloud from off your brow @ Sim Smith, London
- Alice BaberShared Light: The Art of Alice Baber & Paul Jenkins @ Upsilon Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Leilah BabiryeLeilah Babirye @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Bleibtreustraße 15/16, Berlin
- Leilah Babirye @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Goethestraße 2/3, Berlin
- Jo BaerJo Baer @ Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
- Hyangmok BaikHyangmok Baik: Home @ BEERS London, London
- Max BainbridgeShake the cloud from off your brow @ Sim Smith, London
- Maja BajevicShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- John BaldessariWriting on the Wall @ Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York
- Jonathan BaldockJonathan Baldock: 0.1% @ London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE, London
- Fay BallardRhythms & Remedies: Fay Ballard, Károly Keserü and Dillwyn Smith @ Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London
- Fiona Banner aka The Vanity PressFiona Banner aka The Vanity Press @ Frith Street Gallery, Golden Square, London West End
- Banz & BowinkelBanz & Bowinkel @ Annka Kultys Gallery, London
- Clive BarkerBookshop: Sculpture - Catalogue Raisonné 1958-2000 - £55
- Bookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Adam Barker-MillBookshop: Just Noticeable Differences - £8
- Bookshop: Adam Barker-Mill - £50
- James BarnorBookshop: Book and Print: Coffee Night at Theobald’s Road, 1960/2021 - £360
- Bookshop: Book and Print: Ever Young Studio, 1954/2021 - £360
- Jill BaroffBookshop: Arbeiten Auf Papier - £8
- Raphaël BarontiniRaphaël Barontini: Somewhere in the Night, the People Dance @ Palais de Tokyo, Paris
- Yto BarradaBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Barry X BallBarry X Ball and Andres Serrano: Pious & Profane @ Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad
- Guillaume BarthGuillaume Barth: Elina 2015-2025, the promise to the Aymaras @ Jeanne Bucher Jaeger, Marais, Paris
- Georg BaselitzBookshop: Devotion - £30
- L.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Jean-Michel BasquiatJean-Michel Basquiat. Engadin @ Hauser & Wirth, St. Moritz
- Johanna BathBeing without being is blue @ Soho Revue, London
- Christiane BaumgartnerBookshop: Wish You Were Here - £35
- Stig BaumgartnerStig Baumgartner: Pyramid and Superego @ Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki
- Bay Tang JiaxinBay Tang Jiaxin: Array of Thorns @ Bluerider ART Taipei · DunRen, Taipei
- Kerem Ozan BayraktarKerem Ozan Bayraktar: Spirits on the Ground @ SANATORIUM at DIANA, New York
- Kevin BeasleyBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Cecil BeatonCecil Beaton’s Fashionable World @ National Portrait Gallery, London
- Emma BeatrezBeing without being is blue @ Soho Revue, London
- Bernd & Hilla BecherJames Welling and Bernd & Hilla Becher @ Maureen Paley, London
- James Welling and Bernd & Hilla Becher @ Maureen Paley Studio M, London
- Ericka BeckmanBookshop: Hiatus - £40
- Jacopo BenassiJacopo Benassi: Eden @ Mai 36 Galerie, Zürich
- Lynda BenglisBeyond Boundaries: The Multi-Dimensional Art of Lynda Benglis @ GAVLAK, West Palm Beach
- Marius BerceaBookshop: 2018 - £40
- Clive van den BergDavid Goldblatt and Clive van den Berg: Trace, Tremor, Remnant @ Goodman Gallery, London West End
- Tony BerlantL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Wallace BermanL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Julien BerthierJulien Berthier: Passion Potelet @ Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, Paris
- Renate BertlmannBookshop: Sotheby’s S|2 Gallery's exhibition catalogue - £15
- Bookshop: Works 1969–2016 - £40
- Bookshop: Renate Bertlmann: Hier Ruht Meine Zärtlichkeit. Here Rests My Tenderness - £15
- Amélie BertrandAmélie Bertrand: Country Life @ Semiose, Paris
- Walead BeshtyBookshop: [...] 001 - £113
- Wall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Forrest BessBookshop: Forrest Bess - £15
- Joseph BeuysBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Tony BevanL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Tony Bevan ‘80s and ‘90s @ Emanuel von Baeyer, London
- Domenico BianchiL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Max BillBookshop: Concrete and Beyond - £10
- Hélène BinetBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Viktoria BinschtokBookshop: LVNY #1 - £200
- Sophie BirchSophie Birch & Rachel Youn: Figures of Speech @ Alice Amati, London
- Anna BjergerAnna Bjerger: Home Encyclopedia @ Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stockholm
- Peter BlakeBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Lucas BlalockBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- David BlandyBookshop: Duels and Dualities: Battle of the Soul Action Figure – Bare Foot Lone Pilgrim - £95
- Daria BlumThe Door: Daria Blum @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Amoako BoafoAmoako Boafo: I Do Not Come to You by Chance @ Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London West End
- Alighiero BoettiBookshop: Alighiero Boetti - £20
- Bookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Old Bond Room: Exploring Arte Povera @ Mazzoleni, London West End
- Bram BogartBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Agostino BonalumiBookshop: Italian Neo-Renaissance Bonalumi Scheggi - £25
- Anderson BorbaHarvest @ Elizabeth Xi Bauer, Deptford, London
- Aileen BordmanAileen Bordman: Monet’s Garden @ Leila Heller Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Derek BoshierBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- The Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Pauline BotyThe Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Louise BourgeoisBookshop: Autobiographical Prints - £10
- Louise Bourgeois. Soft Landscape @ Hauser & Wirth, Hong Kong
- Frank BowlingFrank Bowling. Collage @ Hauser & Wirth, Paris
- Travis BoyerShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- Max BoylaShake the cloud from off your brow @ Sim Smith, London
- BrachaBookshop: Art in the Time-Space of Memory and Migration - £20
- Robert BramboraRobert Brambora: Lucy @ MAMOTH, London
- Stephen BrameldNew Works By: Stephen Brameld & Jay Staples @ Art Leven, Sydney
- Lisa BreslowLisa Breslow: From This Place @ Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York Chelsea
- Jeanne BrousseauSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Maria BrunnerMaria Brunner: Acqua Felice @ Capitain Petzel, Berlin
- Paulo BrusckyBookshop: Poiesis Bruscky - £30
- Laura BuckleyBookshop: A Little More Bonding - £330
- Zoë BuckmanBookshop: BLOODWORK - £20
- Angela BullochWall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Victor BurginBookshop: Scripts - £20
- Bookshop: Victor Burgin's Parzival in Leuven, Reflections on the "Uncinematic" - £20
- Bookshop: The Camera: Essence And Apparatus - £15
- Ernesto BurgosBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Balthasar BurkhardBalthasar Burkhard @ Christophe Guye Galerie, Zürich
- Edward BurraEdward Burra - Ithell Colquhoun @ Tate Britain, London
- William S. BurroughsWilliam S. Burroughs @ October Gallery, London
- Deborah ButterfieldL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- André ButzerAndré Butzer: Frau am Tisch mit Früchten @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris
- Gerard ByrneGerard Byrne: The Struggle With the Angel @ Kerlin Gallery, Dublin
- James CabaniukJames Cabaniuk: I Don’t Know What’s Come Over Me @ Workplace, London West End
- John CageL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Carlos CairoliBookshop: A Retrospective - £20
- José Zanine CaldasJosé Zanine Caldas: I Learned Wood has Two Lives @ Carpenters Workshop Gallery, Los Angeles
- Alexander CalderMade in Guatemala @ The Gallery of Everything, London
- Richard CaldicottRichard Caldicott: Table of Contents @ ATLAS Gallery, London
- Johanna CalleBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Pier Paolo CalzolariBookshop: Muitos estudos para uma casa de limão - £20
- Sergio CamargoBookshop: Signals Magazine 1964-1966 - £20
- Rebecca CampbellL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Vlassis CaniarisVlassis Caniaris: Works from 1962 to 1980 @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Paris
- William J. CanningWilliam J. Canning: The Heavens Laugh Along With Us @ Tropical Berlin, Los Angeles
- Agustín CárdenasAgustín Cárdenas: The Memory of the Future @ Galerie Mitterrand St-Honoré, Paris
- Agustín Cárdenas: The Memory of the Future @ Galerie Mitterrand Temple, Paris
- Gillian CarnegieBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Anthony CaroBookshop: Anthony Caro at Cliveden - £30
- James CastleSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Maurizio CattelanMaurizio Cattelan: Bones @ Gagosian Davies St, London West End
- Maurizio Cattelan @ Gagosian Shop, London, London West End
- Patrick CaulfieldBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- The Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Nick CaveL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- CazielBookshop: Caziel the Art & Life - £25
- Bookshop: Paintings 1963 - 1967 Lacerated Rhythms - £12
- Enrique Martinez CelayaL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Helen ChadwickBookshop: Wreaths To Pleasure - £10
- Lynn ChadwickBookshop: Retrospectives - £15
- Gaston ChaissacBookshop: Foyer d’art Brut Booklet - £5
- John ChamberlainJohn Chamberlain @ Timothy Taylor, London West End
- Alice ChannerBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Barbara Chase-RiboudBarbara Chase-Riboud. The Josephines @ Hauser & Wirth Monaco, Monaco
- Catalina ChervinCatalina Chervin: States of Consciousness @ Hutchinson Modern & Contemporary, New York
- Dale ChihulyL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Eduardo ChillidaBookshop: Signals Magazine 1964-1966 - £20
- ChingltuChingltu: Distant Gallop @ Bluerider ART Taipei · DunRen, Taipei
- Minyoung ChoiMinyoung Choi: Distant Night @ Lychee One, London
- Carlo CiussiCarlo Ciussi. Una danza di tracce e colore @ A arte Invernizzi, Milan
- Lygia ClarkBookshop: Signals Magazine 1964-1966 - £20
- Helen ClarkeSo Many Cares @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Francesco ClementeBookshop: Mandala for Crusoe - £35
- Prunella CloughPlace Revisited @ Modern Art Helmet Row, London
- Jarvis CockerBookshop: The Periodic Table of the Elements of "Good Pop, Bad Pop", 2022 - £18
- Philippe CognéePhilippe Cognée: Fragmented Landscapes @ Templon, Paris
- Bernard CohenBookshop: Bernard Cohen: About Now - £30
- Byron ColeyBookshop: 1971 (a year in record review poems) - £10
- Anne CollierBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Mat CollishawBookshop: Black Mirror - £20
- Bookshop: Mat Collishaw - £38
- Roy ColmerBookshop: Roy Colmer - £15
- Gianni ColomboBookshop: The Body and the Space 1959-1980 - £40
- Ithell ColquhounEdward Burra - Ithell Colquhoun @ Tate Britain, London
- George CondoBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- George Condo. Pastels @ Hauser & Wirth Wooster Street, New York
- On Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- David Raymond ConroyBookshop: Water Works - £250
- Pietro ConsagraBookshop: Italian Postwar Sculpture - £25
- Bookshop: Ugo Mulas: Creative Intersections - £45
- Bookshop: Pietro Consagra Frontal Sculpture - £35
- Pietro Consagra. A Breathable Landscape. Sculptures 1964-1966 @ Sprovieri, London West End
- Mary P. CorbettSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Sharon CoreSharon Core: Facsimile @ Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Adriano CostaBookshop: Adriano Costa - £20
- Holly CoulisHolly Coulis: Song @ Philip Martin Gallery, Los Angeles
- Martin CreedBookshop: What's the point of it? - £30
- Hugo CrosthwaiteHugo Crosthwaite: Ex-voto @ Luis De Jesus Los Angeles, Los Angeles
- Sarah CrownerSarah Crowner: Tableaux en Laine, Pierres en Bronze @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris
- Jorge K. CruzJorge K. Cruz: Just To Keep You Satisfied @ Hurst Contemporary, London
- Carlos Cruz-DíezBookshop: Signals Magazine 1964-1966 - £20
- Alexandre Da CunhaBookshop: Rio - LIR 7063 - £160
- Sara CwynarBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Natalie CzechBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Alex Da CorteBookshop: True Life - £45
- Hubert DalwoodPlace @ New Art Centre, Salisbury
- Matthew DamhaveBookshop: Don't be far from me - £8
- Yves DanaYves Dana: Citadelle @ Waddington Custot, London West End
- Matthew DarbyshireBookshop: Holstein Cow - £550
- Siân DaveySiân Davey: The Garden @ Soho Photography Quarter, London West End
- Annette DavidekAnnette Davidek: Bouncing Forward @ Gallery Henoch, New York Chelsea
- Jose DávilaJose Dávila: Half Empty, Half Full @ Almine Rech, Turenne, Paris
- Noah DavisNoah Davis @ Barbican, London
- Paulus de GrootCocky: From The Divine To The Erotic @ The Gallery of Everything, London
- Willem de RooijBookshop: Fong Leng Sportswear - £31
- Edmund de WaalPlace @ New Art Centre, Salisbury
- Richard DeaconBookshop: Association - £28
- L.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Tacita DeanBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- James Edward Deeds, Jr.Self-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Jeremy DellerBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Débora DelmarSo Many Cares @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Simon DennyBookshop: New Management - £30
- Andy DenzlerAndy Denzler: Hybrid Souls @ Opera Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Gu DexinBookshop: Art of Change - £25
- Patrizio Di MassimoBookshop: The Sublime In Nature - £90
- Mark di SuveroL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Alioune DiagneAlioune Diagne: Jokkoo @ Templon, New York Chelsea
- Richard DiebenkornL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- John DilgJohn Dilg: Perpetual World @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber x P21, Seoul
- Francesca DiMattioBookshop: Francesca DiMattio: Caryatid - £12
- Jim DineBookshop: A History of Gardening - £30
- Nathalie Djurberg & Hans BergNathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg: Don’t be Afraid, There are Treasures Behind These Locked Doors @ Lisson Gallery, Beijing
- Lois DoddBookshop: Lois Dodd - £15
- Peter DoigBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Antony DonaldsonBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Bookshop: Of Memory and Oblivion - £20
- Claudia DoringClaudia Doring: My Brother’s Mind @ Friedrichs Pontone, New York
- Leonardo DrewLeonardo Drew @ South London Gallery, London
- Jean DubuffetBookshop: Foyer d’art Brut Booklet - £5
- Jean Dubuffet: Banc-salon and Cerfs-volants @ Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris
- Marcel DuchampL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Isabella DucrotIsabella Ducrot: Altri Fiori @ Capitain Petzel, Berlin
- Lili DujourieBookshop: Folds in Time - £20
- Carroll DunhamCarroll Dunham: Open Studio & Empty Spaces @ Galerie Max Hetzler, London West End
- Anh DuongBookshop: Can You See Me - £15
- Jimmie DurhamBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- L.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Torkwase DysonTorkwase Dyson: Akua @ Public Art Fund at Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York
- Maeve D’ArcyMaeve D’Arcy: Off the Record and Other Stories @ Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York Chelsea
- Callum EatonSo Many Cares @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Chioma EbinamaChioma Ebinama @ Maureen Paley Studio M, London
- Austin EddyShara Hughes Austin Eddy: Roots n’ Fruits @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber x P21, Seoul
- Keith EdmierBookshop: Mother Mold, Special Edition - £45
- Jemma EganBookshop: Invites Vol. 2 - £15
- Henrik EibenBookshop: Arbeiten Auf Papier - £8
- Nicole EisenmanOn Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- Olafur EliassonOlafur Eliasson: Open @ Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles
- Finlay Abbott EllwoodIntuitive Echoes: Dialogues Between Ancient Forms and Contemporary Visions @ Emanuel von Baeyer, London
- Elmgreen & DragsetElmgreen & Dragset: Momentan nicht erreichbar @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Potsdamer Straße, Berlin
- Ndidi EmefieleBookshop: Citizens of Memory - £40
- Tracey EminBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Rose EnglishBookshop: Abstract Vaudeville: The Work of Rose English - £35
- Oli EppAnton Alvarez, Oli Epp: Sweet Tooth @ Semiose, Paris
- Didem ErbaşDidem Erbaş: As the Land Falls Apart @ SANATORIUM, Istanbul
- Olivia ErlangerOlivia Erlanger: Spinoff @ Luhring Augustine Tribeca, New York
- Max ErnstMax Ernst & Joaquín Ferrer: Les surprises du hasard @ Galleria Continua Matignon, Paris
- Inka EssenhighInka Essenhigh: The Greenhouse @ Victoria Miro, London
- Elger EsserElger Esser: Sky and Sand @ Flowers Gallery, Cork Street, London West End
- Kirsten EverbergBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Gabriele EvertzGabriele Evertz: Colors Make Light @ Louis Stern Fine Arts, Los Angeles
- Ruth EwanBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- Cesare FabbriBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Luciano FabroBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Jadé FadojutimiBookshop: Nengi Omuku: Parables of Joy - £12
- Bookshop: Jadé Fadojutimi: Jesture - £20
- Angus FairhurstBookshop: Sacha Cradock with James Cahill - £10
- Sam FallsBookshop: Sam Falls - £20
- Omer FastBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- Olly FathersOlly Fathers: Grow @ JGM Gallery, London
- Lilly FenichelLilly Fenichel: Against the Grain @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Joaquín FerrerMax Ernst & Joaquín Ferrer: Les surprises du hasard @ Galleria Continua Matignon, Paris
- Perle FineBookshop: 9th St. Club - £40
- Leonor FiniLeonor Fini: Small Faces @ Nagas, New York Chelsea
- Ian Hamilton FinlayIan Hamilton Finlay: Fragments @ Victoria Miro, London
- Urs FischerUrs Fischer: Easy Solutions & Problems @ Gagosian, Gstaad
- Robert FiszerRobert Fiszer: Echoes Within @ Heckmann Design Studio & Gallery, London
- Lizzie FitchBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Lizzie Fitch/Ryan TrecartinBookshop: Fitch/Trecartin: Priority Innfield - £26
- Bookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Dan FlavinDan Flavin @ Ordovas, London West End
- Sylvie FleuryDrawing on Matisse, an exhibition by Sylvie Fleury @ Luxembourg + Co., London West End
- Wall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Lucio FontanaBookshop: Ugo Mulas: Creative Intersections - £45
- Bookshop: Estate Mediterranea - £20
- Bookshop: Italian Postwar Sculpture - £25
- Bookshop: Immaterial: Lucio Fontana Ceramics - £47
- Walton FordWalton Ford: Tutto @ Gagosian West 21st St, New York Chelsea
- Aaron FowlerBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- James FrancoJames Franco: Hollywood is Hell @ galerie gmurzynska, Paradeplatz, Zürich
- Helen FrankenthalerBookshop: 9th St. Club - £40
- Werner FreiWerner Frei: The Modernist and his view ahead. Works from 1930-1980 @ Galerie Fabian Lang, Zürich
- Lucian FreudBookshop: Drawings - £40
- Katrin FridriksMatters of Materiality @ JD Malat Gallery, London West End
- Zipora FriedZipora Fried: Trust Me, Be Careful, I Like Your Shoes @ Sean Kelly Gallery, Los Angeles
- Anna Júlía FriðbjörnsdóttirAnna Júlía Friðbjörnsdóttir: ECHO LIMA @ BERG Contemporary, Reykjavík
- Gajin FujitaL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Franziska FurterFranziska Furter: Maybe Now @ Lullin + Ferrari, Zürich
- Charles GainesCharles Gaines. Numbers and Trees, The Tanzania Baobabs @ Hauser & Wirth West Hollywood, Los Angeles
- Julio GalánJulio Galán @ Luhring Augustine Chelsea, New York Chelsea
- Anya GallaccioBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Maureen GallaceMaureen Gallace @ Maureen Paley, London
- Maureen Gallace @ Maureen Paley Studio M, London
- Ryan GanderBookshop: Issue 4 - £6.5
- Bookshop: Investigation # 4 - Meaning’s all around me now - £385
- Bookshop: Issue 1 - £5
- Bookshop: The Boy Who Always Looked Up - £20
- So Many Cares @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Charles GarabedianL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Tim GarwoodShake the cloud from off your brow @ Sim Smith, London
- General IdeaGeneral Idea: ZIGGURAT @ Mai 36 Galerie, Zürich
- Isa GenzkenBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Isa Genzken: Basic Research @ Galerie Buchholz, Berlin
- Ficre GhebreyesusFicre Ghebreyesus @ Modern Art Bury Street, London West End
- Rosie GibbensRosie Gibbens: Muta @ Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London West End
- Jeffrey GibsonJeffrey Gibson: the space in which to place me @ The Broad, Los Angeles
- Gilbert & GeorgeGilbert & George: 21ST CENTURY PICTURES @ Hayward Gallery, London
- Stephen GillBookshop: Coexistence - £495
- Liam GillickLiam Gillick @ Kerlin Gallery, Dublin
- Wall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Maeve GilmoreMaeve Gilmore @ Alison Jacques, London West End
- John GiornoWall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Valérian GoalecWorking Title: I ❤️ Artists & Oceans @ Belmacz, London West End
- Judith GodwinBookshop: Expressions of Life - £20
- Vincent van GoghKiefer / Van Gogh @ Royal Academy of Arts, London West End
- David GoldblattDavid Goldblatt and Clive van den Berg: Trace, Tremor, Remnant @ Goodman Gallery, London West End
- Osvaldo GonzálezOsvaldo González: Descendencia @ Galleria Continua Marais, Paris
- Joe GoodeL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Catherine GoodmanCatherine Goodman. Silent Music @ Hauser & Wirth 22nd Street, New York Chelsea
- Douglas GordonWall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Antony GormleyBookshop: Field for the British Isles - £12.99
- Dan GrahamBookshop: Not Yet Realised: Pavilion Drawings - £18
- Rodney GrahamBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Remus GrecuRemus Grecu: The Silence Between @ BEERS London, London
- Jameson GreenOn Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- George GroszCocky: From The Divine To The Erotic @ The Gallery of Everything, London
- Elena GualElena Gual: Silent Game @ sketch, London West End
- Hannah-Sophia GuerrieroHannah-Sophia Guerriero: Veils of Space @ Alma Pearl, London
- Dor GuezDor Guez: Unfolding Negatives @ Goodman Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Guido GuidiBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Shi GuoweiBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Andreas GurskyBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Bookshop: Andreas Gursky - £35
- Philip GustonBookshop: Philip Guston - £15
- Trulee HallBookshop: Trulee Hall - £30
- Luke Edward HallLuke Edward Hall: The Silver Vale @ Patricia Low Venezia, Venice
- Peter HalleyBookshop: Paintings from the 1980s - £15
- Frederick HammersleyL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- David HammonsDavid Hammons. Concerto in Black and Blue @ Hauser & Wirth Downtown, Los Angeles
- Jean HannonJean Hannon @ Eerdmans, New York
- Marie HarnettMarie Harnett: Were you dreaming? @ Cristea Roberts Gallery, London West End
- Zach HarrisZach Harris: Studio Visit @ Perrotin New York, New York
- Tommy HarrisonTommy Harrison: Displays @ GRIMM, London West End
- Richard HarrisonRichard Harrison @ Pontone Gallery, London West End
- Grace HartiganBookshop: 9th St. Club - £40
- Callum HarveyCallum Harvey: Caught In the Sun’s Red Loom @ Pipeline, London West End
- Hugh HaydenBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Romuald HazoumèRomuald Hazoumè: Les fleurs du mâle @ Gagosian, Athens
- Erik Madigan HeckErik Madigan Heck: The Tapestry @ Christophe Guye Galerie, Zürich
- Angélique HeidlerWorking Title: I ❤️ Artists & Oceans @ Belmacz, London West End
- Alex HeimBookshop: Untitled (Regents Canal) - £165
- Robert HeineckenBookshop: Copywork - £37
- Angela HeischBookshop: Angela Heisch: Burgeon and Remain - £20
- Emma HelleEmma Helle: Dress Codes for Rivers @ Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki
- Adrian HenriBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Camille HenrotCamille Henrot. A Number of Things @ Hauser & Wirth 22nd Street, New York Chelsea
- Bill HensonBookshop: 1985 - £360
- George HermsL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Carmen HerreraBookshop: Carmen Herrera - £35
- Bookshop: Colour Me In - £35
- Fernando Varela and Carmen Herrera: Form and Void @ Upsilon Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Nicola HicksBookshop: Keep Dark - £25
- Gregor HildebrandtGregor Hildebrandt: Cherries Bloom in April @ Perrotin Tokyo, Tokyo
- John HilliardBookshop: Not Black and White - £15
- Katharina HinsbergBookshop: Arbeiten Auf Papier - £8
- Ann HirschBookshop: Anni Book - £45
- Damien HirstBookshop: The Complete Visual Candy Paintings - £35
- Meg HitchcockMeg Hitchcock: All That Matters @ Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York Chelsea
- David HockneyL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Writing on the Wall @ Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York
- The Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Dana HoeyBookshop: The Phantom Sex - £22
- Bookshop: Experiments in Primitive Living - £15
- William HogarthBookshop: Alla Prima/Cross Hatch - £15
- Andy HoldenBookshop: M!MS - £38
- Lonnie HolleySelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Jonathan HorowitzBookshop: Secret Life - £32
- Dom Sylvester HouédardBookshop: Dom Sylvester Houédard - £30
- Bookshop: dsh - £12
- Rachel HowardBookshop: 2018 - £40
- Donna HuancaBookshop: Scar Cymbals - £50
- Chia HuangChia Huang - Silence is Speaking @ MEP - Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
- John HubbardPlace @ New Art Centre, Salisbury
- Patrick HughesBookshop: Paradoxymoron - £20
- Bookshop: A Newer Perspective - £45
- Shara HughesShara Hughes Austin Eddy: Roots n’ Fruits @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber x P21, Seoul
- Victor HugoAstonishing Things: The Drawings of Victor Hugo @ Royal Academy of Arts, London West End
- Peter HujarPeter Hujar – Eyes Open in the Dark @ Raven Row, London
- Kudzanai-Violet HwamiBookshop: Citizens of Memory - £40
- Leonard IheagwamLeonard "Soldier" Iheagwam: BLACK STAR @ Kearsey & Gold, London West End
- Leiko IkemuraLeiko Ikemura: Talk to the sky, seeking light @ Lisson Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Jan Van ImschootJan Van Imschoot: The Haphzardness of Opinions @ Templon, Brussels
- Albert IrvinBookshop: The Early Years - £12
- Hideyuki IshibashiHideyuki Ishibashi: Portraits @ Bigaignon, Paris
- Ben JackelL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Caroline JacksonShake the cloud from off your brow @ Sim Smith, London
- Oliver Lee JacksonOliver Lee Jackson: Intimacies @ Lisson Gallery, London
- Marta JakobovitsHarvest @ Elizabeth Xi Bauer, Deptford, London
- Adéla JanskáAdéla Janská: Collisions @ Adrian Sutton Gallery, Paris
- Ann Veronica JanssensAnn Veronica Janssens: UP @ Alfonso Artiaco, Naples
- Oda JauneOda Jaune: Oil of Angels @ Templon, Paris
- Paul JenkinsPaul Jenkins @ Timothy Taylor, New York
- Shared Light: The Art of Alice Baber & Paul Jenkins @ Upsilon Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Hyunsun JeonHyunsun Jeon: Here and There @ Galerie Lelong & Co. Matignon, Paris
- Jiang DahaiBookshop: Diffusion - £20
- Sui JianguoL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Wang JianweiBookshop: Art of Change - £25
- Chantal JoffeBookshop: Friendship Portraits: Chantal Joffe & Ishbel Myerscough - £15
- Jasper JohnsWriting on the Wall @ Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York
- Rashid JohnsonRashid Johnson: A Poem for Deep Thinkers @ Guggenheim Museum, New York Upper East Side
- Alan JohnstonBookshop: Tactile Geometry - £30
- Allen JonesBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Rachel JonesBookshop: Citizens of Memory - £40
- Otis JonesBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Allen JonesThe Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Jacqueline de JongBookshop: Jacqueline de Jong: Resilience(s) - £12
- Bookshop: La petite mort - £20
- Michael JooBookshop: Michael Joo - £30
- Peter JosephBookshop: Paintings 2015 - 2017 - £30
- Tam JosephTam Joseph: This Green and Pleasant Land @ Felix & Spear, London
- Eva JospinBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Ana JottaAna Jotta: beaucoup, peu, rien @ Galerie Marian Goodman, Paris
- György JovánovicsBookshop: The Relief, From White to Black - £20
- JRJR: Outposts @ Perrotin London, London West End
- Ilya & Emilia KabakovBookshop: Flying - £20
- Ilya KabakovBookshop: The Non-Objective World Art & Language Kabakov - £30
- Zhanna KadyrovaZhanna Kadyrova: Strategic Locations @ Galleria Continua Marais, Paris
- Soojin KangFocus On: Soojin Kang: sometimes i think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams @ Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer, Vienna
- Anish KapoorBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Susan KareEsc Keys by Susan Kare: Now Available @ Asprey Studio Gallery, London West End
- Behrang KarimiBehrang Karimi @ Maureen Paley Morena di Luna, Hove
- Alex KatzBookshop: Subway Drawings (New York) - £20
- Bookshop: Alex Katz: Black Paintings - £15
- Zeynep KayanWorking Title: I ❤️ Artists & Oceans @ Belmacz, London West End
- Lauren KeeleyBookshop: You are a marvel my dear - £200
- Mary Reid KelleyBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- Mike KelleyMike Kelley. Vice Anglais @ Hauser & Wirth, London West End
- Peter KennardBookshop: Visual Dissent | Signed copy - £19.99
- William KentridgeBookshop: Conversations in Letters and Lines - £20
- Bookshop: More Sweetly Play the Dance - £15
- Bookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- William Kentridge. A Natural History of the Studio @ Hauser & Wirth 22nd Street, New York Chelsea
- William Kentridge. A Natural History of the Studio @ Hauser & Wirth 18th Street, New York Chelsea
- Károly KeserüRhythms & Remedies: Fay Ballard, Károly Keserü and Dillwyn Smith @ Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London
- Clay KetterBookshop: Gulf Coast Slabs - £50
- Toba KhedooriBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Rachel KhedooriRachel Khedoori @ Hauser & Wirth, Zürich
- Anselm KieferKiefer / Van Gogh @ Royal Academy of Arts, London West End
- Edward KienholzBookshop: America My Hometown - £20
- Edward & Nancy KienholzL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Kim Tschang-YeulKim Tschang-Yeul: L’origine du vide @ Almine Rech, Brussels
- Kim KeetaeKim Keetae: Re-Enchantment @ Gallery KIWA, Seoul
- Minjung KimMinjung Kim. Repetitions @ Robilant+Voena, Milan, Milan
- Christina KimezeChristina Kimeze: Between Wood and Wheel @ South London Gallery, London
- Christina Kimeze: Between Wood and Wheel @ South London Gallery Fire Station, London
- Kazuyo KinoshitaTo Sway and Surround: Japanese Female Abstraction @ Each Modern, Taipei
- Martin KippenbergerOn Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- Ian KirbyIan Kirby @ Heckmann Design Studio & Gallery, London
- Per KirkebyL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Per Kirkeby: Natures Mortes @ Michael Werner Gallery, London West End
- R.B. KitajThe Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Jürgen KlaukeJürgen Klauke: Transformer @ Zander Galerie, Paris
- Hilma af KlintHilma af Klint: What Stands Behind the Flowers @ MoMA, New York
- Jakob Lena KneblJakob Lena Knebl: La Primavera @ MEYER*KAINER, Vienna
- Imi KnoebelBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Pierre KnopPierre Knop: Fireflies Under Fever Sky @ Pilar Corrias, Conduit Street, London West End
- Reinhold KoehlerBookshop: New Realism: Décollage and Matter 1948-1970 - £25
- Paco KoenigPaco Koenig: NOT BE PAINTED @ Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer, Vienna
- Abdoulaye KonatéBookshop: Useful Dreams - £15
- Kristi KongiKristi Kongi: Twilight in the Garden @ Friedrichs Pontone, New York
- Tamas KonokTamás Konok: Space & Line @ Annely Juda Fine Art, London West End
- Sergey KononovSergey Kononov @ Galerie Max Hetzler, Bleibtreustraße 45, Berlin
- Vivienne KoorlandBookshop: Conversations in Letters and Lines - £20
- Bookshop: Made Routes: Mapping and Making - £10
- Leon KossoffBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- L.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Future Memory @ Sean Kelly Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Jannis KounellisBookshop: Jannis Kounellis Giorgio Morandi - £20
- Bookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Bookshop: Jannis Kounellis - £20
- Bookshop: Jannis Kounellis - £20
- Jannis Kounellis: Alfabeto, Early Works on Paper @ Sprovieri, London West End
- Old Bond Room: Exploring Arte Povera @ Mazzoleni, London West End
- Kaitlin KraemerKaitlin Kraemer: Unwritten Stories @ Adrian Sutton Gallery, Paris
- Lee KrasnerBookshop: 9th St. Club - £40
- Abraham Kritzman+ Days + Nights @ Elizabeth Xi Bauer, Exmouth Market, London
- Ella KruglyanskayaElla Kruglyanskaya: Shadows @ Thomas Dane Gallery, London West End
- Amandine KuhlmannAmandine Kuhlmann - Cash Me Online @ MEP - Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
- Emi KurayaEmi Kuraya: Happy Bunny @ Perrotin Seoul, Seoul
- Diana KurzDiana Kurz: A Journey of Discovery @ Lincoln Glenn, New York Chelsea
- Yayoi KusamaNiki de Saint Phalle & Yayoi Kusama: Inner Child @ Opera Gallery, London West End
- Tadaaki KuwayamaBookshop: Radical Neutrality - £20
- Arnaud Labelle-RojouxArnaud Labelle-Rojoux: C’est écrit dessus ! @ Loevenbruck, Paris
- Joseph LacasseBookshop: Abstraction Explained - £15
- Bookshop: A Pioneer of Abstraction - £18
- David LaChapelleBookshop: Landscape - £15
- Bookshop: Earth Laughs in Flowers - £20
- Gerald LaingBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Claude LalanneBookshop: The Sublime In Nature - £90
- Luisa LambriBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Sean LandersBookshop: Sean Landers - £26
- Bookshop: [sic] - £19
- Michael LandyMichael Landy and Gillian Wearing: Art Lovers @ Thomas Dane Gallery, Naples
- Lyne LapointeLyne Lapointe: Becoming Animal @ Jack Shainman Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Maria LassnigBookshop: Letters to Hans Ulrich Obrist - £34
- Bookshop: The Future is Invented with Fragments from the Past - £30
- Bookshop: Works, Diaries, Writings - £42
- Elad LassryBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- John LathamBookshop: Skoob Works - £25
- Bookshop: The Spray Gun and the Cosmos - £5
- Bob LawBookshop: Field Works - £10
- Ian LawBookshop: Untitled - £20
- Bookshop: Infirm Arbroath - £20
- Le CorbusierBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Lee BulThe Facade Commission: Lee Bul, Long Tail Halo @ The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Upper East Side
- Sea Hyun LeeSea Hyun Lee @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Rämistrasse, Zürich
- Elizabeth Gabrielle LeeFeeling like home @ ai., London
- Dene Leighcrystal @ Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London
- Iria LeinoIria Leino @ Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki
- Zoe LeonardBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- LeoncilloBookshop: Estate Mediterranea - £20
- Laura LetinskyLaura Letinsky & John Paul Morabito: orchidsgladiolascowsdaffodilscandywrappersyelloworange-bloodredroses&shit @ Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Helen LevittHelen Levitt: Manhattan Transit @ Zander Galerie, Paris
- Barbara Levittoux-ŚwiderskaBookshop: Catalogue published on the occasion of Frieze Masters 2021, London - £10
- Bookshop: Richard Saltoun Gallery Publications - £40
- Benjamin LevyBenjamin Levy: Keeping Up With The Corbies @ lbf contemporary, London
- Sol LeWittBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Glenn LigonBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- LinderBookshop: Linderism - £25
- Linder: Danger Came Smiling @ Hayward Gallery, London
- Harry Hugo LittleBeing without being is blue @ Soho Revue, London
- Verena LoewensbergVerena Loewensberg @ Hauser & Wirth, London West End
- Lorena LohrLorena Lohr: Motel Nudes @ Soho Revue, London
- Barbara LongBarbara Long: Stairway to Heaven @ Ruup & Form, London
- Richard LongL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Time and Tide: Prints by Richard Long and David Nash @ Cristea Roberts Gallery, London West End
- Robert LongoBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Jake LongstrethJake Longstreth: California Landscapes @ Galerie Max Hetzler, London West End
- Bertina LopesBookshop: Richard Saltoun Gallery Publications - £40
- Roelof LouwBookshop: Roelof Louw - £10
- Robin LoweRobin Lowe: Detour @ Reflex, Amsterdam
- Junyi LuJunyi Lu: (cosset) @ The Sunday Painter, London
- Sarah LucasBookshop: SEX LIFE - £40
- Kate LyddonBookshop: Invites Vol. 2 - £15
- John LyonsBookshop: Carnivalesque - £20
- Bookshop: Trinidad Folklore Bacchanal - £300
- Shanzhai LyricSo Many Cares @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Nathan MabryL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Rachel MacleanBookshop: Rachel Maclean - £32
- Dr. Esther MahlanguEsther Mahlangu: Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu @ Serpentine North Gallery, London
- Marion MailaenderMarion Mailaender: Mi casa es tu casa @ Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, Paris
- Aristide MaillolDanielle Orchard and Aristide Maillol @ Lévy Gorvy Dayan, New York
- Sally MannBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Teresa MargollesTeresa Margolles: Mil Veces un Instante (A thousand times in an Instant) @ The Fourth Plinth, London
- Marino MariniBookshop: Italian Postwar Sculpture - £25
- Bookshop: Marino Marini Horses, Horsemen and Female Nudes - £27
- Osvaldo MariscottiOsvaldo Mariscotti: Recent Paintings @ Upsilon Gallery, London West End
- Graham MarksGraham Marks: For Joy and Grieving @ HB381, New York
- Nicholas MarschnerNicholas Marschner: Silent Running @ Alice Amati, London
- Kerry James MarshallKerry James Marshall: The Histories @ Royal Academy of Arts, London West End
- Fabian MartiShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- Agnes MartinBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Jason MartinL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Heather Gwen MartinL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Koby MartinFeeling like home @ ai., London
- Eddie MartinezBookshop: Sculptures - £30
- Matteo MassagrandeMatteo Massagrande @ Pontone Gallery, London West End
- Henri MatisseDrawing on Matisse, an exhibition by Sylvie Fleury @ Luxembourg + Co., London West End
- Eliseo MattiacciBookshop: Catalogue Raisonne - £50
- Bookshop: Gong - £30
- Thom MayneL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Anthony McCallAnthony McCall @ Tate Modern, London
- Paul McCarthyPaul McCarthy. OUTSIDE IS INSIDE, INSIDE IS OUTSIDE. GOD IS DOG, DOG IS GOD @ Hauser & Wirth, London West End
- Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney @ Gagosian, Beverly Hills
- John McCrackenL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Dave McDermottBookshop: Through the Long Goodbye - £36
- Josiah McElhenyA place for modernism @ Pilar Corrias, Savile Row, London West End
- Kenrick McFarlaneShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- Michael C. McMillenL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Rodney McMillianBookshop: History is Present Tense - £47
- Bookshop: Rodney McMillian - £40
- Steve McQueenBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Fausto MelottiBookshop: Ugo Mulas: Creative Intersections - £45
- Bookshop: Estate Mediterranea - £20
- Bookshop: Italian Postwar Sculpture - £25
- Lindsey MendickBookshop: Invites Vol. 2 - £15
- Mario MerzBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Fabio MiguezFabio Miguez: Ichnographies @ Nara Roesler New York, New York Chelsea
- Beatriz MilhazesCollection in Focus | Beatriz Milhazes: Rigor and Beauty @ Guggenheim Museum, New York Upper East Side
- Lee MillerLee Miller @ Tate Britain, London
- Dianne MinnicucciDianne Minnicucci: Belonging and Beyond @ Autograph, London
- Jean MiotteJean Miotte @ Almine Rech, Matignon, Paris
- Mónica de MirandaBookshop: Book and Print: The Island - £100
- Joan MiróJoan Miró: Monumental Printmaking @ Shapero Modern, London West End
- Helen MirraBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Haroon MirzaBookshop: /HRM199: For a Partnership Society - £28
- Joan MitchellBookshop: 9th St. Club - £40
- Tyler MitchellTyler Mitchell: Ghost Images @ Gagosian 541 West 24th St, New York Chelsea
- Tatsuo MiyajimaTatsuo Miyajima: Many Lives @ Lisson Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Shintaro MiyakeShintaro Miyake: A Leisurely Stroll With the Horse @ Perrotin Shanghai, Shanghai
- Emi MizukamiTo Sway and Surround: Japanese Female Abstraction @ Each Modern, Taipei
- Camilla MobergCamilla Moberg: Over The Rainbow @ Galerie Maria Wettergren, Paris
- Prafulla MohantiPrafulla Mohanti: ANANDA @ Pilar Corrias, Conduit Street, London West End
- Jonathan MonkBookshop: The Left Eye of A Game Player - £200
- John Paul MorabitoLaura Letinsky & John Paul Morabito: orchidsgladiolascowsdaffodilscandywrappersyelloworange-bloodredroses&shit @ Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Katy MoranKaty Moran: Let’s get some AIR @ Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London West End
- Giorgio MorandiBookshop: Jannis Kounellis Giorgio Morandi - £20
- François MorelletBookshop: Les Règles du Jeu - £30
- Bookshop: Dash Dash Dash - £15
- Keita MorimotoKeita Morimoto: To Nowhere and Back @ Almine Rech, Tribeca, New York
- Daido MoriyamaBookshop: Record (Nr. 1-35) (complete series) - £4000
- Dennis MorrisBookshop: Book and Print: Growing Up Black - £150
- Dennis Morris - Music + Life @ MEP - Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
- Susan MorrisSusan Morris: Four Tapestries @ Bartha Contemporary, London
- Ed MosesL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Matters of Materiality @ JD Malat Gallery, London West End
- Andy MosesMatters of Materiality @ JD Malat Gallery, London West End
- Sadamasa MotonagaBookshop: The energy of infancy - £30
- Jean-Luc MoulèneBookshop: A Coin in Nine Hands - £7.5
- Kevork MouradKevork Mourad: When Time Was Like a River @ Perrotin Shanghai, Shanghai
- Carrie MoyerA place for modernism @ Pilar Corrias, Savile Row, London West End
- Mr.Mr.: It Was on a Brilliant Day. @ Perrotin Los Angeles, Los Angeles
- Ron MueckRon Mueck: En Garde @ Thaddaeus Ropac, London West End
- Stefan MüllerStefan Müller: Linke Füße @ Galerie Bärbel Grässlin, Frankfurt
- Ulrike MüllerUlrike Müller: Beside Myself @ Sylvia Kouvali, London West End
- Edvard MunchEdvard Munch Portraits @ National Portrait Gallery, London
- Takashi MurakamiTakashi Murakami @ Gagosian Shop, London, London West End
- Aileen MurphyAileen Murphy: Crackers for Lorelei @ Amanda Wilkinson, London
- Jayson MussonBookshop: The Horizontal Line - £10
- Jean-Luc MylayneBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Myoung Ho LeeBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Ishbel MysercoughBookshop: Friendship Portraits: Chantal Joffe & Ishbel Myerscough - £15
- Ron NagleBookshop: Lincolnshire Squire - £15
- Bookshop: Amended Testimony - £15
- Bookshop: Midnight Stroll - £25
- Rei NaitoRei Naito: breath @ Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo
- Laurel NakadateBookshop: 365 Days: A Catalogue Of Tears - £42
- Kiyoshi NakagamiKiyoshi Nakagami: Poetics of Shadow @ Colector, Monterrey
- Cassi NamodaBookshop: Citizens of Memory - £40
- Yoshitomo NaraYoshitomo Nara @ Hayward Gallery, London
- David NashTime and Tide: Prints by Richard Long and David Nash @ Cristea Roberts Gallery, London West End
- Bruce NaumanBruce Nauman: Pasadena Years @ Marian Goodman Gallery, Los Angeles
- Writing on the Wall @ Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York
- Kohei NawaKOHEI NAWA: Soma @ Galerie Vera Munro, Hamburg
- Charles NealCharles Neal - Highgrove House, His Majesty’s Gardens @ Findlay Galleries Palm Beach, Palm Beach
- Mariele NeudeckerBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Helmut NewtonBookshop: Helmut Newton: High Gloss - £120
- Julien NguyenBookshop: Ex Forti Dulcedo - £15
- Jonathan NiclausJonathan Niclaus: Turn Your Last Turn @ Lukas Feichtner Galerie, Vienna
- Everlyn NicodemusBookshop: Richard Saltoun Gallery Publications - £40
- Fay NicolsonBookshop: Untitled - £50
- Gladys NilssonBookshop: The Sublime In Nature - £90
- Tim Noble & Sue WebsterBookshop: Nihilistic Optimistic - £30
- Jedd NovattBookshop: Chaos - £25
- Bookshop: Chaos: Defining the Invisible - £25
- Bookshop: Susse Chaos - £25
- Décio NovielloDécio Noviello: Pop Subversion @ The Mayor Gallery, London West End
- Gustavo NovoaGustavo Novoa - Recent Works @ Findlay Galleries Palm Beach, Palm Beach
- Wura-Natasha OgunjiWura-Natasha Ogunji: space comma space comma space @ Tiwani Contemporary, London West End
- George OhrBookshop: George Ohr Booklet - £5
- Kayode OjoKayode Ojo @ Maureen Paley, London
- Saya OkuboTo Sway and Surround: Japanese Female Abstraction @ Each Modern, Taipei
- Guy OliverBookshop: Invites Vol. 2 - £15
- Julian OpieJulian Opie @ Lisson Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Danielle OrchardDanielle Orchard and Aristide Maillol @ Lévy Gorvy Dayan, New York
- Alfonso OssorioAlfonso Ossorio & Nandor Fodor: The Search for the Beloved @ Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Virginia OvertonBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Paul P.Bookshop: The Sublime In Nature - £90
- Teresa PągowskaTeresa Pągowska: Shadow Self @ Thaddaeus Ropac, London West End
- Roxy PaineBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Kevin PalmeKevin Palme: Recent Paintings @ Gallery Henoch, New York Chelsea
- Présence PanchounetteBookshop: Pleased to meet you #7 - £16
- Giulio PaoliniBookshop: Sale d’Attesa (in English) - £30
- Bookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Bookshop: Sale d’Attesa (in Italian) - £30
- Old Bond Room: Exploring Arte Povera @ Mazzoleni, London West End
- Eduardo PaolozziBookshop: Eduardo Paolozzi - £15
- Bookshop: Italian Postwar Sculpture - £25
- Athena PapadopoulosBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Thomas PaquetThomas Paquet: Oh Light! @ Bigaignon, Paris
- Julien Parant-MarquisBeing without being is blue @ Soho Revue, London
- Santiago ParraMatters of Materiality @ JD Malat Gallery, London West End
- Steven ParrinoBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Jürgen PartenheimerBookshop: Arbeiten Auf Papier - £8
- Pino PascaliBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Nathalie Du PasquierNathalie Du Pasquier: Saint Fairy Anne @ Kerlin Gallery, Dublin
- Celia PaulBookshop: The Sublime In Nature - £90
- Celia Paul: Colony of Ghosts @ Victoria Miro, London
- Celia Paul: Diaries @ Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert, London West End
- Kambiz PedramKambiz Pedram: Whispers from another time @ juncture, Essaouira
- Hanne PeeraerHanne Peeraer: Soft Reset @ Soho Revue, London
- Zeyno PekünlüZeyno Pekünlü: Perfect Loop @ SANATORIUM at DIANA, New York
- A.R. PenckA.R. Penck: The Temple of Many Faces @ Michael Werner, New York Upper East Side
- Adam PendletonWall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Irving PennBookshop: Cigarettes - £150
- Bookshop: Cranium Architecture - £150
- Bookshop: Flowers - £150
- Giuseppe PenoneBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Bookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Giuseppe Penone: Thoughts in the Roots @ Serpentine South Gallery, London
- Joyce PensatoBookshop: I Killed Kenny - £31
- Bookshop: FORGETTABOUT IT - £30
- Élise PeroiÉlise Peroi @ CARVALHO PARK, New York
- Kristian Touborg, Marie Schumann, Elli Antoniou + Élise Peroi @ CARVALHO PARK, New York
- Eileen PerrierEileen Perrier: A Thousand Small Stories @ Autograph, London
- Grayson PerryBookshop: The Vanity of Small Differences - £17.99
- Hannah PerryHannah Perry: Film Stills @ Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer, Vienna
- Elizabeth PeytonBookshop: Secret Life - £32
- Derriann PharrDerriann Pharr: I Am a Bloodstone @ Luis De Jesus Los Angeles, Los Angeles
- Peter PhillipsThe Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Pablo PicassoBookshop: Picasso 347 - £30
- On Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- Picasso: Tête-à-tête @ Gagosian 980 Madison Avenue, New York Upper East Side
- Signe PierceBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Ted PimTed Pim: Loinnir @ Almine Rech, Shanghai
- Michelangelo PistolettoBookshop: Ugo Mulas: Creative Intersections - £45
- Bookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Michelangelo Pistoletto: To Step Beyond @ Lévy Gorvy Dayan, New York
- Old Bond Room: Exploring Arte Povera @ Mazzoleni, London West End
- Megan PlunkettSo Many Cares @ Palmer Gallery, London
- Sigmar PolkeBookshop: Sigmar Polke - Photographs 1968 - 1998 - £
- Michel Pérez PolloMichel Pérez Pollo: Bolero @ Timothy Taylor, New York
- Arnaldo PomodoroBookshop: Italian Postwar Sculpture - £25
- Daniella PortilloDaniella Portillo @ Opera Gallery, London West End
- Nazanin PouyandehNazanin Pouyandeh: Beneath the Fabric of the World @ Templon, Brussels
- Walter PriceBookshop: Citizens of Memory - £40
- Seth PriceBookshop: Drawings: Studies for Works 2000-2015 - £15.2
- Elizabeth PriceBookshop: In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive and You Were Full of Joy - £20
- Ken PriceL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Thomas J PriceThomas J Price. Resilience of Scale @ Hauser & Wirth Wooster Street, New York
- Richard PrinceBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Bookshop: Free Love - £26
- Emilio PriniBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Jean ProuvéJean Prouvé: Maison Démountable @ Carpenters Workshop Gallery, London
- Laure ProuvostBookshop: This Means Love - £15
- Jhonatan PulidoJhonatan Pulido: Reparación @ Alma Pearl, London
- Puppies PuppiesBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Celia PymCelia Pym: Socks: The Art of Care and Repair @ NOW Gallery, London
- Jon RafmanBookshop: Jon Rafman - £20
- Martín RamírezSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Norman ReedusNorman Reedus: In Transit @ The Gallery at Soho Grand, New York
- Cecilia ReeveCecilia Reeve: What the Water Gave Them @ Twilight Contemporary, London
- Paula RegoBookshop: An Enduring Journey: A Life in Print - £20
- Mateo RevilloBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Bernd RibbeckBernd Ribbeck @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Paris
- Bridget RileyBookshop: Don't Talk, Just Look - £20
- Stefan RinckOn Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- Faith RinggoldBookshop: Faith Ringgold: Paintings & Story Quilts 1964-2017 - £8
- Pipilotti RistPipilotti Rist: Supersubjektiv @ MCA Chicago, Chicago
- Carol RobertsonBookshop: French Paintings - £25
- Joanne RobertsonBookshop: 1971 (a year in record review poems) - £10
- David RobilliardBookshop: werner schreib - £12
- Gerwald RockenschaubWall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Abel RodríguezBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Alessandro Romacrystal @ Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London
- Ugo RondinoneBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Wall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Ugo Rondinone: ORA BLU @ Alfonso Artiaco, Naples
- Clifford RossClifford Ross: What Remains... @ Schoelkopf, New York
- Rachel RossinBookshop: Rachel Rossin - £18
- Mimmo RotellaBookshop: Mimmo Rotella - £55
- Dieter RothDieter Roth. Islandscapes @ Hauser & Wirth 18th Street, New York Chelsea
- Anne RothensteinAnne Rothenstein @ Stephen Friedman Gallery, London West End
- Mika RottenbergMika Rottenberg @ Hauser & Wirth Menorca, Mahón
- George RouyGeorge Rouy. The Bleed, Part II @ Hauser & Wirth Downtown, Los Angeles
- Sandra Mendelsohn RubinL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Thomas RuffBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Ed RuschaWriting on the Wall @ Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York
- Cordy RymanCordy Ryman @ Halsey McKay Gallery, New York
- Betye SaarBetye Saar: Drifting Toward Twilight @ Huntington Library, Los Angeles
- Alison SaarL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Govinda Sah ‘Azad’Transvangarde: Luminous Matter @ October Gallery, London
- Hasani SahleheA place for modernism @ Pilar Corrias, Savile Row, London West End
- Niki de Saint PhalleNiki de Saint Phalle & Yayoi Kusama: Inner Child @ Opera Gallery, London West End
- Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely. Myths & Machines @ Hauser & Wirth Somerset, Bruton
- Dirk SalzDirk Salz: Dimensions of Light and Color @ Bluerider ART Shanghai, Shanghai
- Hessam SamavatianHessam Samavatian: Earendel @ Ab-Anbar, London West End
- Cesar SantosCesar Santos: Manuscripts @ Robilant+Voena, London, London West End
- Eduardo SarabiaL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Citra SasmitaCitra Sasmita: Into Eternal Land @ Barbican, London
- Arcangelo SassolinoBookshop: Matter revealed - £30
- Jacolby SatterwhiteNina Chanel Abney and Jacolby Satterwhite @ Lincoln Center, New York
- Jenny SavilleJenny Saville: The Anatomy of Painting @ National Portrait Gallery, London
- Emilio ScanavinoBookshop: The Tactile Sign of the Void - £35
- Hans SchabusHans Schabus: Cafe Hansi @ mumok, Vienna
- Paolo ScheggiBookshop: Italian Neo-Renaissance Bonalumi Scheggi - £25
- Bookshop: Scheggi - £55
- Thomas ScheibitzBookshop: A Moving Plan B - chapter ONE - £20
- Lina ScheyniusBookshop: Book 06 - £140
- Bookshop: Book 07 Collector's edition (with signed and numbered c-print) - £420
- Bookshop: Book 07 - £140
- Bookshop: Sarajevo - £65
- Egon SchieleEgon Schiele: Portraits on Paper @ Omer Tiroche Gallery, London West End
- Carolee SchneemannCarolee Schneemann @ Lisson Gallery, Los Angeles
- Valeria SchneiderWorking Title: I ❤️ Artists & Oceans @ Belmacz, London West End
- Greta SchödlBookshop: Works 1970–2019 - £15
- Pieter SchoolwerthBookshop: Model as Painting - £32
- Marie SchumannKristian Touborg, Marie Schumann, Elli Antoniou + Élise Peroi @ CARVALHO PARK, New York
- Thomas SchütteOn Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- Ethel SchwabacherEthel Schwabacher: The Early Sixties @ Berry Campbell Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Samara ScottBookshop: High Street - £20
- Sean ScullyBookshop: Kind of Red - £20
- Bookshop: Uninsideout - £30
- Bookshop: Horizon - £25
- Berni SearleBookshop: Made Routes: Mapping and Making - £10
- Tomio SeikeBookshop: Overlook - £40
- Colin SelfBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- Pascal SenderPascal Sender @ Saatchi Yates, London West End
- Paul Mpagi SepuyaShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- Richard SerraRichard Serra: The Final Works @ Cristea Roberts Gallery, London West End
- Andres SerranoBarry X Ball and Andres Serrano: Pious & Profane @ Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad
- George ShawBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Wael ShawkyWael Shawky: Telematch and Other Stories @ Barakat Contemporary, Seoul
- Steven ShearerWall Works & Sculptures @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Waldmannstrasse, Zürich
- Steven Shearer: The Golden Recline @ Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Maag Areal, Zürich
- Arlene ShechetA place for modernism @ Pilar Corrias, Savile Row, London West End
- Amy SheraldAmy Sherald: American Sublime @ Whitney Museum, New York
- Cindy ShermanBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Bookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- On Ugliness: Medieval and Contemporary @ Skarstedt, London West End
- Cindy Sherman. The Women @ Hauser & Wirth Menorca, Mahón
- Lieko ShigaBookshop: Rasen Kaigan - £170
- Bookshop: Blind Date - £235
- Shim Moon-SeupShim Moon-Seup: A Certain Scenery @ Perrotin New York, New York
- Erin ShirreffBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Antonia ShoweringAntonia Showering @ Timothy Taylor, New York
- David ShrigleyBookshop: Pass the Spoon - £7.99
- Zorawar Sidhu and Rob SwainstonZorawar Sidhu and Rob Swainston: Flash Point @ Petzel, New York Chelsea
- Marianna SimnettBookshop: Marianna Simnett - £30
- Taryn SimonTaryn Simon @ Gagosian Park & 75, New York Upper East Side
- Alexandre SinghBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- Dayanita SinghBookshop: Fifty Years of Great Art Writing - £22.5
- Arpita SinghArpita Singh: Remembering @ Serpentine North Gallery, London
- Mario SironiBookshop: Mario Sironi: Signs & Colours - £25
- Dirk SkreberBookshop: Skreber - £25
- Bookshop: Blutgeschwindigkeit, Blood Speed - £23
- Magdalena SkupinskaMagdalena Skupinska: soft crossing @ Maximillian William, London West End
- Anj SmithBookshop: Where the Mountain Hare has Lain - £40
- Bookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Bookshop: Where the Mountain Hare has Lain (Signed) - £100
- Michael E. SmithBookshop: Michael E. Smith - £20
- Jack SmithBookshop: The Art of Jack Smith - £15
- Shinique SmithSocial Fabrics: Magic & Memories @ Rele, Los Angeles
- Dillwyn SmithRhythms & Remedies: Fay Ballard, Károly Keserü and Dillwyn Smith @ Patrick Heide Contemporary Art, London
- Richard SmithBEYOND @ NISO, London
- The Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Robert SmithsonBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Lara SmithsonLara Smithson: CAUSE UNKNOWN @ DES BAINS, London West End
- Philippe Van Snick+ Days + Nights @ Elizabeth Xi Bauer, Exmouth Market, London
- Annegret SoltauBookshop: I Was on a Quest - £10
- Bookshop: Ich Selbst - £20
- Hong SooyeonHong Sooyeon: In the Flow @ Gallery KIWA, London West End
- Alec SothAlec Soth: Advice for Young Artists @ Sean Kelly Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Jesús Rafael SotoBookshop: Signals Magazine 1964-1966 - £20
- Edra SotoEdra Soto: Graft @ Public Art Fund at Central Park, New York
- Divine Southgate-SmithDivine Southgate-Smith: Navigator @ NıCOLETTı, London
- Louis SoutterBookshop: Foyer d’art Brut Booklet - £5
- Jo SpenceBookshop: The Final Project - £15
- Bookshop: Fairy Tales and Photography, or, another look at Cinderella - £75
- Jasper SpiceroBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Tobias SpichtigShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- Willy SpillerBookshop: Hell on Wheels - £1100
- Katie SpraggKatie Spragg: Fragmented Landscapes @ Ruup & Form, London
- Jay StaplesNew Works By: Stephen Brameld & Jay Staples @ Art Leven, Sydney
- Klaus StaudtKlaus Staudt: A Sense of Serenity @ The Mayor Gallery, London West End
- Tino StefanoniBookshop: La Realtà E La Magia - £18
- Jennifer SteinkampBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Amy StephensBookshop: The Monochromatics - £380
- Ian StephensonPlace @ New Art Centre, Salisbury
- Olivia SterlingBookshop: Citizens of Memory - £40
- Tim StonerBookshop: Tim Stoner - £15
- Tim Stoner: Negative Space @ Pace, London, London West End
- Tavares StrachanTavares Strachan: Starless Midnight @ Marian Goodman Gallery, New York
- Christine StreuliShifting @ Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zahnradstrasse, Zürich
- Thomas StruthBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Juana SubercaseauxJuana Subercaseaux: Bag of Cells @ Colector, Houston
- Don SuggsL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Sung Jik YangSung Jik Yang @ Philip Martin Gallery, Los Angeles
- Rachel SussmanBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Trevor SuttonBookshop: French Paintings - £25
- Takashi SuzukiBookshop: Selected Work 2000-2002 - £8
- Risaku SuzukiBookshop: Water Mirror - £145
- Bookshop: The End of the Game - £710
- Bookshop: Sakura - £90
- Sarah SzeSarah Sze @ Gagosian, Hong Kong
- Chico TabibuiaCocky: From The Divine To The Erotic @ The Gallery of Everything, London
- TakisBookshop: Signals Magazine 1964-1966 - £20
- Atsuko TanakaTo Sway and Surround: Japanese Female Abstraction @ Each Modern, Taipei
- Avani TanyaBookshop: A Selective Guide to the V&A's South Asian Collection - £5
- Pascale Marthine TayouBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Bookshop: I love you! - £46
- Pascale Marthine Tayou: Tchâm : Confidences @ Galleria Continua Les Moulins, Boissy-le-Châtel
- teamLabL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Franciszka ThemersonBookshop: Richard Saltoun Gallery's exhibition catalogue - £3
- Franciszka & Stefan ThemersonBookshop: Richard Saltoun Gallery's exhibition catalogue - £3
- Mickalene ThomasMickalene Thomas: All About Love @ Hayward Gallery, London
- Wolfgang TillmansBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Joe TilsonBookshop: Pop Art Heroes Britain - £18
- The Way Forward: Derek Boshier and the Sixties @ Gazelli Art House, London West End
- Jean TinguelyNiki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely. Myths & Machines @ Hauser & Wirth Somerset, Bruton
- Francine TintFrancine Tint: Radical Acts of Beholding @ Upsilon Gallery, London West End
- Graeme ToddBookshop: Street Hermit - £14
- Barthélémy ToguoBarthélémy Toguo: Roots @ Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris
- Melania TomaThe Cave in the Mind @ IONE & MANN, London West End
- Masanori TomitaPlace Revisited @ Modern Art Helmet Row, London
- Sue TompkinsBookshop: Don't be far from me - £8
- Kristian TouborgKristian Touborg, Marie Schumann, Elli Antoniou + Élise Peroi @ CARVALHO PARK, New York
- Anh TrầnPlace Revisited @ Modern Art Helmet Row, London
- Bill TraylorSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Ryan TrecartinBookshop: Weighted Words - £14
- Bookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Suzanne TreisterSuzanne Treister: HEXEN 5.0 and Museum Paintings @ Annely Juda Fine Art, London West End
- Carolin TrunkCarolin Trunk @ FILIALE, Frankfurt
- Fumika TsuchitoriTo Sway and Surround: Japanese Female Abstraction @ Each Modern, Taipei
- Hiroki TsukudaBookshop: Hour of Excavation - £65
- TungaTunga @ Lisson Gallery, London
- Nasan TurBookshop: 2018 - £34
- Paula TurminaThe Cave in the Mind @ IONE & MANN, London West End
- James TurrellJames Turrell: At One @ Gagosian Le Bourget, Paris
- Richard TuttleBookshop: TheStars - £40
- Cy TwomblyCy Twombly - All is visible and all elusive @ Galerie Bastian, Berlin
- Writing on the Wall @ Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York
- UmanUman. A Fantastic Woman @ Hauser & Wirth, Zürich
- Mary Ann UngerMary Ann Unger: Across the Bering Strait @ Berry Campbell Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Juan UsléL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Rodrigo ValenzuelaRodrigo Valenzuela: MUECAS @ Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer, Vienna
- Sara VanDerBeekBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Josip VaništaBookshop: The Horizontal Line - £10
- Fernando VarelaFernando Varela and Carmen Herrera: Form and Void @ Upsilon Gallery, New York Upper East Side
- Xavier VeilhanXavier Veilhan: Compass @ Perrotin New York, New York
- Francesco VezzoliFrancesco Vezzoli presents: KARL GOES TO MEMPHIS. Tribute to a historical encounter in Monte Carlo @ Almine Rech, Monaco
- Jeanne VicérialJeanne Vicerial: Nymphose @ Templon, Paris
- Edgardo Antonio VigoBookshop: Argentina ’74 - £10
- Nanda VigoBookshop: Chronotops - £20
- Bill ViolaBookshop: Frustrated Actions and Futile Gestures - £20
- Charline von HeylBookshop: Now or Else - £37
- Rachel von MorgensternRachel von Morgenstern @ FILIALE, Frankfurt
- Julia WachtelBookshop: Untitled (rectangle with hat and arm) - £150
- Shelagh WakelyBookshop: It is so green outside it is difficult to leave the window - £15
- Caroline WalkerBookshop: Picture Window - £36
- Caroline Walker: The Holiday Park @ GRIMM, New York Lower East Side
- Jeff WallBookshop: Among The Trees - £24.99
- Bookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Dan WalshA place for modernism @ Pilar Corrias, Savile Row, London West End
- Nick WaplingtonBookshop: Living Room - £70
- Andy WarholBookshop: 1948 – 1960 - £10
- Andy Warhol: Who is Who? @ Skarstedt, New York Upper East Side
- Jonathan WateridgeJonathan Wateridge: Vanishing Point @ GRIMM, London West End
- Willard WatsonSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Alison WattAlison Watt @ Lévy Gorvy Dayan, London West End
- Alison Watt: From Light @ Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, London
- Gillian WearingMichael Landy and Gillian Wearing: Art Lovers @ Thomas Dane Gallery, Naples
- Emma WebsterEmma Webster: Vapors @ Perrotin Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Emma Webster: That Thought Might Think @ Petzel, New York Chelsea
- Matt WedelL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Tian WeiTransvangarde: Luminous Matter @ October Gallery, London
- Willem WeismannBookshop: Invites Vol. 2 - £15
- Ai WeiweiBookshop: Trees - £37
- James WellingJames Welling and Bernd & Hilla Becher @ Maureen Paley, London
- James Welling and Bernd & Hilla Becher @ Maureen Paley Studio M, London
- Tom WesselmannBookshop: Synthesis and Tension: Tom Wesselmann - £25
- Tom Wesselmann: Up Close @ Almine Rech, London West End
- James WhiteBookshop: Bodies - £35
- Stanley WhitneyBookshop: Stanley Whitney - £25
- Bookshop: Stanley Whitney: Afternoon Paintings - £27
- Jack WhittenJack Whitten: The Messenger @ MoMA, New York
- Alberta WhittleAlberta Whittle: Towards a m̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶f̶u̶l̶ loving praxis, we cast seeds into the darkness @ Nicola Vassell Gallery, New York Chelsea
- Ian WhittleseaBookshop: Attaining Cosmic Consciousness - £10
- George WidenerSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Didier WilliamBookshop: The Sublime In Nature - £90
- Christopher WilliamsBookshop: You Are Looking at Something That Never Occurred - £38
- Alice WilsonAlice Wilson: hegemonic log(s) and two benches @ domobaal, London
- Carmen WinantCarmen Winant: My Mother and Eye @ Public Art Fund in Chicago, Chicago
- Carmen Winant: My Mother and Eye @ Public Art Fund in Boston, Boston
- Carmen Winant: My Mother and Eye @ Public Art Fund, New York
- Terry WintersPlace Revisited @ Modern Art Helmet Row, London
- Chloe WiseBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Michael WolfBookshop: Hong Kong Inside Outside - £2100
- Adolf WölfliBookshop: Foyer d’art Brut Booklet - £5
- Martin WongMartin Wong: Works on Paper @ Galerie Buchholz, Cologne
- Issy WoodBookshop: World Receivers - £36
- Qualeasha WoodQualeasha Wood: Malware @ Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London West End
- Jake Wood-EvansJake Wood-Evans: Nocturne @ Unit, London West End
- Clare WoodsBookshop: The Great Unknown - £25
- Clare Woods: A Kinder Time @ Stephen Friedman Gallery, New York Lower East Side
- Kasia WozniakBeing without being is blue @ Soho Revue, London
- Richard WrightRichard Wright @ Camden Art Centre, London
- Tom WudlL.A. Louver Celebrates 50 Years @ L.A. Louver, Los Angeles
- Peter WüthrichBookshop: The Angels of London - £12
- Bookshop: The Angels of Mumbai - £12
- Bookshop: My World - £22
- Rose WylieRose Wylie: When Found becomes Given @ David Zwirner, London West End
- Atalanta XantheThe Cave in the Mind @ IONE & MANN, London West End
- Xu ZhongminTransvangarde: Luminous Matter @ October Gallery, London
- Eiko YamazawaTo Sway and Surround: Japanese Female Abstraction @ Each Modern, Taipei
- Masaomi YasunagaMasaomi Yasunaga: Treading the Earth @ Lisson Gallery, Shanghai
- Marie YatesBookshop: Works 1971-1979 - £10
- Michaela Yearwood-DanMichaela Yearwood-Dan @ Hauser & Wirth, London West End
- Jongsuk YoonJongsuk Yoon: Far East @ Galerie Marian Goodman, Paris
- Kenji YoshidaTransvangarde: Luminous Matter @ October Gallery, London
- Rachel YounSophie Birch & Rachel Youn: Figures of Speech @ Alice Amati, London
- Purvis YoungSelf-Taught Artists at the Crossroads of Fact and Fiction @ Hirschl & Adler, New York Upper East Side
- Brenna YoungbloodBrenna Youngblood: R.A..D...I..O. @ Roberts Projects, Los Angeles
- Sun Yuan & Peng YuBookshop: Art of Change - £25
- Li Yuan-ChiaBookshop: Viewpoint. A Retrospective of Li Yuan-Chia - £50
- Radouan Zeghidourcrystal @ Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London
- Zinong ZhangWorking Title: I ❤️ Artists & Oceans @ Belmacz, London West End
- Chen ZhenBookshop: Art of Change - £25
- Xu ZhenBookshop: Art of Change - £25
- Toby ZieglerBookshop: Issue 4 - £6.5
- Bookshop: The Alienation of Objects - £275
- Bookshop: Issue 1 - £5
- Amanda ZiemeleBEYOND @ NISO, London
- Carlo ZinelliBookshop: The Museum of Everything Presents Carlo Zinelli - £19
- Heimo ZobernigBookshop: Books & Posters Catalogue raisonné 1980-2015 - £46
- Gilberto ZorioBookshop: Metamorphosis: the alchemists of matter a point of view on Arte Povera - £30
- Old Bond Room: Exploring Arte Povera @ Mazzoleni, London West End