Anthony Elms appointed as Director of Peter Freeman, Inc.

Peter Freeman, Inc. is pleased to announce Anthony Elms’s appointment as a Director. He joins the gallery with extensive experience in writing, publishing, and curating, most recently as the Daniel and Brett Sundheim Chief Curator at Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania (2015–2021).

While at the ICA Elms organized several exhibitions including: Milford Graves: The Mind-Body Deal with Mark Christman (2020), Karyn Olivier: Everything That's Alive Moves (2020), Cauleen Smith: Give It or Leave It (2018), Endless Shout (2016–2017), Rodney McMillian: The Black Show (2016), Christopher Knowles: In a Word with writer Hilton Als (2015), and White Petals Surround Your Yellow Heart (2013).

He joins Peter Freeman, Senior Director Katie Rashid, and colleagues in New York and Paris in advance of the fall season with solo exhibitions in the gallery with Fernanda Gomes, and Mel Bochner, and participation in the inaugural edition of Paris+ par Art Basel, a solo presentation with Lucy Skaer at ADAA: The Art Show, and Art Basel Miami Beach.

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