Events 30 Mar 2025

Hong Kong


Modern & Contemporary Day Auction

30 Mar

Sotheby’s, Chater House, 8 Connaught Road Central, Central,

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New York

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Weaving Narratives

30 Mar

Friedrichs Pontone, 273 Church Street, NY 10013

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Chia Huang - Silence is Speaking

30 Mar

MEP - Maison Européenne de la Photographie, 5-7 Rue de Fourcy, 75004

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All events in Hong Kong, London, New York, Paris & Seoul

Show of the Day

Painting in the Round @ Nahmad Projects

an exhibition which “unveils the unseen - the physical and historical traces on the reverse of the canvas that offer deeper insight into an artwork’s journey” with works by artists including Braque, Fontana, Magritte, Morandi, Miró, Nicholson, and Picasso


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Perrotin announces representation of the Estate of Young-Il Ahn

Ahn was a Korean-American painter celebrated for his abstractions based on the Pacific Ocean and the light of California


Inner Child: Niki de Saint Phalle and Yayoi Kusama

how childhood experiences influenced the two artists’ works


Emanuela Tarizzo appointed as director of Frieze Masters

bringing strong experience in the art market and a rich appreciation for historical art, Tarizzo will lead the fair into its new chapter

Exhibitions on Now

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Image for Rosie Gibbens: Muta, at Pippy Houldsworth Gallery Icon indicating this exhibition has a virtual tour
Image for Cocky: From The Divine To The Erotic, at The Gallery of Everything Icon indicating this exhibition has a virtual tour

last day

Image for Cy Twombly - All is visible and all elusive, at Galerie Bastian Icon indicating this exhibition has a virtual tour
Image for Edgelands, at County Hall Pottery
Image for Bay Tang Jiaxin: Array of Thorns, at Bluerider ART Taipei · DunRen
Image for Chingltu: Distant Gallop, at Bluerider ART Taipei · DunRen

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Artists on Show


Nina Chanel Abney Robert Adams Etel Adnan Ahn Sang Hoon Marcellina Akpojotor Josef Albers Richard Aldrich Terry Allen Imogen Allen Anton Alvarez Joe Andoe Joël Andrianomearisoa Pearl Angrist Sara Anstis Haffendi Anuar Karel Appel Riera i Aragó Søren Arildsen Benjamin Armstrong Pierre-Olivier Arnaud Richard Avedon Gillian Ayres


Jo Baer Hyangmok Baik Max Bainbridge John Baldessari Jonathan Baldock Fay Ballard Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press Banz & Bowinkel Raphaël Barontini Barry X Ball Georg Baselitz Johanna Bath Stig Baumgartner Bay Tang Jiaxin Kerem Ozan Bayraktar Emma Beatrez Bernd & Hilla Becher Clive van den Berg Tony Berlant Wallace Berman Julien Berthier Amélie Bertrand Tony Bevan Domenico Bianchi Sophie Birch Anna Bjerger Daria Blum Bram Bogart Anderson Borba Aileen Bordman Louise Bourgeois Frank Bowling Max Boyla Robert Brambora Jeanne Brousseau Maria Brunner Ernesto Burgos Balthasar Burkhard William S. Burroughs Deborah Butterfield André Butzer Gerard Byrne


James Cabaniuk John Cage José Zanine Caldas Richard Caldicott Rebecca Campbell Vlassis Caniaris James Castle Nick Cave Enrique Martinez Celaya John Chamberlain Barbara Chase-Riboud Catalina Chervin Dale Chihuly Chingltu Minyoung Choi Carlo Ciussi Helen Clarke Prunella Clough Philippe Cognée George Condo Mary P. Corbett Sharon Core Holly Coulis Hugo Crosthwaite Jorge K. Cruz


Hubert Dalwood Yves Dana Siân Davey Annette Davidek Jose Dávila Noah Davis Paulus de Groot Edmund de Waal Richard Deacon James Edward Deeds, Jr. Débora Delmar Andy Denzler Mark di Suvero Alioune Diagne Richard Diebenkorn John Dilg Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg Jean Dubuffet Marcel Duchamp Isabella Ducrot Carroll Dunham Jimmie Durham


Callum Eaton Olafur Eliasson Finlay Abbott Ellwood Elmgreen & Dragset Oli Epp Didem Erbaş Olivia Erlanger Inka Essenhigh Elger Esser Gabriele Evertz


Olly Fathers Urs Fischer Robert Fiszer Dan Flavin Sylvie Fleury Walton Ford James Franco Werner Frei Katrin Fridriks Zipora Fried Anna Júlía Friðbjörnsdóttir Gajin Fujita Franziska Furter


Charles Gaines Julio Galán Ryan Gander Charles Garabedian Tim Garwood Isa Genzken Ficre Ghebreyesus Rosie Gibbens Maeve Gilmore David Goldblatt Osvaldo González Joe Goode Catherine Goodman George Grosz Elena Gual Dor Guez


Luke Edward Hall Frederick Hammersley David Hammons Zach Harris Callum Harvey Romuald Hazoumè Erik Madigan Heck Emma Helle Camille Henrot George Herms Carmen Herrera David Hockney Lonnie Holley Chia Huang John Hubbard Victor Hugo Peter Hujar


Jan Van Imschoot


Ben Jackel Caroline Jackson Marta Jakobovits Oda Jaune Hyunsun Jeon Sui Jianguo Jasper Johns Otis Jones Tam Joseph Ana Jotta JR


Zhanna Kadyrova Susan Kare Mike Kelley Károly Keserü Rachel Khedoori Edward & Nancy Kienholz Kim Tschang-Yeul Christina Kimeze Kazuyo Kinoshita Per Kirkeby Jakob Lena Knebl Imi Knoebel Tamas Konok Leon Kossoff Joseph Kosuth Ella Kruglyanskaya Emi Kuraya Diana Kurz


Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux Michael Landy Lyne Lapointe Lee Bul Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee Dene Leigh Iria Leino Laura Letinsky Linder Harry Hugo Little Verena Loewensberg Lorena Lohr Richard Long Robin Lowe Junyi Lu Shanzhai Lyric


Nathan Mabry Dr. Esther Mahlangu Marion Mailaender Aristide Maillol Teresa Margolles Osvaldo Mariscotti Graham Marks Jason Martin Koby Martin Heather Gwen Martin Henri Matisse Thom Mayne Anthony McCall John McCracken Josiah McElheny Michael C. McMillen Fabio Miguez Beatriz Milhazes Jean Miotte Joan Miró Tyler Mitchell Tatsuo Miyajima Shintaro Miyake Emi Mizukami Camilla Moberg John Paul Morabito Keita Morimoto Dennis Morris Susan Morris Ed Moses Andy Moses Kevork Mourad Carrie Moyer Stefan Müller Ulrike Müller Edvard Munch Aileen Murphy


Kiyoshi Nakagami David Nash Bruce Nauman Kohei Nawa Charles Neal Gustavo Novoa


Saya Okubo Julian Opie Danielle Orchard Alfonso Ossorio


Kevin Palme Julien Parant-Marquis Santiago Parra Steven Parrino Celia Paul Kambiz Pedram A.R. Penck Derriann Pharr Ted Pim Megan Plunkett Ken Price Jean Prouvé Celia Pym


Martina Quesada


Martín Ramírez Norman Reedus Cecilia Reeve Mateo Revillo Bernd Ribbeck Pipilotti Rist Alessandro Roma Clifford Ross Dieter Roth Anne Rothenstein George Rouy Sandra Mendelsohn Rubin Ed Ruscha


Alison Saar Betye Saar Hasani Sahlehe Dirk Salz Hessam Samavatian Cesar Santos Eduardo Sarabia Citra Sasmita Jacolby Satterwhite Egon Schiele Ethel Schwabacher Pascal Sender Richard Serra Andres Serrano Wael Shawky Arlene Shechet Shim Moon-Seup Zorawar Sidhu and Rob Swainston Taryn Simon Arpita Singh Magdalena Skupinska Richard Smith Dillwyn Smith Shinique Smith Hong Sooyeon Alec Soth Edra Soto Divine Southgate-Smith Ian Stephenson Tim Stoner Tavares Strachan Marjorie Strider Juana Subercaseaux Don Suggs Sarah Sze


Chico Tabibuia Atsuko Tanaka teamLab Mickalene Thomas Francine Tint Barthélémy Toguo Masanori Tomita Anh Trần Bill Traylor Suzanne Treister Carolin Trunk Fumika Tsuchitori James Turrell Cy Twombly


Uman Juan Uslé


Fernando Varela Xavier Veilhan Francesco Vezzoli


Barbara Walker Caroline Walker Dan Walsh Jonathan Wateridge Willard Watson Alison Watt Gillian Wearing Emma Webster Matt Wedel James Welling Tom Wesselmann Jack Whitten Alberta Whittle George Widener Alice Wilson Carmen Winant Terry Winters Martin Wong Qualeasha Wood Jake Wood-Evans Clare Woods Kasia Wozniak Tom Wudl


Eiko Yamazawa Masaomi Yasunaga Jongsuk Yoon Rachel Youn Purvis Young Brenna Youngblood


Radouan Zeghidour Amanda Ziemele

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