Open: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm

2 Cork Street, W1S 3LB, London, United Kingdom
Open: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm


Layers of Time: Giorgio Morandi & Alexis Ralaivao

Nahmad Projects, London

Thu 30 May 2024 to Fri 26 Jul 2024

2 Cork Street, W1S 3LB Layers of Time: Giorgio Morandi & Alexis Ralaivao

Mon-Fri 10am-6pm

Artists: Giorgio Morandi - Alexis Ralaivao

“I believe that nothing can be more abstract, more unreal, than what we actually see. We know that all we can see of the objective world, as human beings, never really exists as we see and understand it. Matter exists, of course, but has no intrinsic meaning of its own, such as the meaning we attach to it.” – Giorgio Morandi

Nahmad Projects brings together works by Giorgio Morandi (1890 – 1964), renowned for his meticulous exploration of form and composition, alongside the vibrant and sensual paintings of Alexis Ralaivao (b. 1991).

Installation Views

Morandi’s oeuvre, characterised by its restrained palette and masterful use of light and shadow, invites viewers into a world of quiet contemplation. Through his timeless still lifes, Morandi transforms mundane objects into symbols of deeper human experience, prompting reflection on the nature of existence itself. In contrast, Ralaivao’s paintings burst with energy and sensuality, capturing fleeting moments of intimacy and anticipation. His bold use of colour and dynamic compositions draw viewers into a world where every brushstroke pulses with life, inviting them to explore the boundaries between reality and imagination.

Although the artists may seem like an unlikely pairing at first glance, their works share a profound reverence for the subtleties of everyday objects and a commitment to exploring the essence of perception itself. Both artists engage viewers by highlighting the compositional aspect of their artwork alongside material surfaces. While Morandi’s compositions resemble studio photography, evoking a sense of familial assembly akin to a wedding portrait, Ralaivao’s works reflect the influence of contemporary mobile phone photography, where the camera becomes an active participant in capturing moments and sparking immediate reflection and dialogue.

Together, Morandi and Ralaivao weave a narrative that transcends the constraints of a single frame, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the timeless beauty of still life compositions. Born nearly a century apart, this exhibition reveals the shared differences between two artists, across generations, finding themselves in the same city, and united by a common bond: their unwavering dedication to the art of painting.

“Both Ralaivao and Morandi are reductive artists, their language is quiet, the tone of their paintings cool, and it feels quite fitting that this exhibition should be a closely selected one. It offers a tantalising starter, and leaves me wanting more.” – Paul Coldwell

About the Artists:

Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964), born in Bologna, Italy, was an Italian painter renowned for his contemplative still lifes and landscapes. His works are held in numerous museums throughout the world, and celebrated for their timeless beauty and profound exploration of form and composition.

Alexis Ralaivao (born 1991) is a French-Madagascan artist, living and working in Berlin. He has gained international acclaim for capturing fleeting moments of intimacy through tightly cropped compositions. A self-taught artist, Ralaivao worked in Bologna, Italy, to immerse himself fully in the environment of Morandi ahead of this shared exhibition at Nahmad Projects, London.

Installation view, Layers of Time: Giorgio Morandi & Alexis Ralaivao at Nahmad Projects, London, May 30 - July 26, 2024. Photo: Stephen White & Co

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