Sergio Lombardo @ Cardi Gallery, London
The Weekender13 Oct 2023

this week’s selection of ten must-see exhibitions features an all-London line-up to celebrate Frieze Week:
Stephen Friedman Gallery, Gagosian, Annely Juda Fine Art, Hauser & Wirth, Michael Werner Gallery, Ordovas, The Sunday Painter, Omer Tiroche Gallery, Modern Art, Jack Bell Gallery

Stephen Friedman Gallery
Yinka Shonibare CBE RA: Free The Wind, The Spirit, and The Sun
@ Stephen Friedman Gallery, London
a new exhibition by Yinka Shonibare CBE RA, alongside a group presentation of African and African diaspora artists curated by the artist – in the first presentation at the gallery’s new London home on Cork Street in Mayfair


Richard Prince: Early Photography, 1977–87
@ Gagosian, London
iconic cowboy, girlfriend, and advertisement works by Prince – some not previously exhibited in the city – on show at the gallery’s spaces in Grosvenor Hill and Davies Street – “most of what’s passing for information right now is total fiction. I try to turn the lie back on itself” – Prince


Annely Juda Fine Art
Elizabeth Magill: By This River
@ Annely Juda Fine Art, London
the gallery’s first exhibition of recent paintings by the London-based Irish artist – “enigmatic and evocative psychological takes on the traditional landscape genre”


Hauser & Wirth
Avery Singer. Free Fall
@ Hauser & Wirth, London
Singer’s first solo exhibition in the UK reflects on her personal experience of the 9/11 attacks in New York and explores the wider societal impact of collective trauma and proliferating image culture and media dissemination


pick up the AW23 London Gallery Map – with Outset Eddie Peake Studiomakers poster – in all good galleries now

AW23 maps being overprinted with artists’ statements at Outset’s 20th anniversary party

Michael Werner Gallery
Invisible Questions That Fill the Air: James Lee Byars and Seung-taek Lee
@ Michael Werner Gallery, London
curated by Allegra Pesenti, this exhibition brings together for the first time works by James Lee Byars and Seung-taek Lee, two artists who never met, yet who had a marked like-mindedness of vision and spirit


Endless Variations
@ Ordovas, London
an exhibition dedicated to Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol, two of the most important artists of the twentieth century – exploring common interests and influences shared by them, and featuring paintings which have rarely, if ever, been shown in London


The Sunday Painter
Ernesto Burgos: When a bird lands on the ground it invariably stops singing
@ The Sunday Painter, London
the artist’s first solo exhibition at the gallery – “Burgos’ tactile approach, akin to sculptural painting, serves as a conduit for the artist’s exploration of the dynamics of transformation, mark-making, movement and the nuances of manipulation”


Omer Tiroche Gallery
Intercontinental Abstraction: Part 1 ▶ virtual visit
@ Omer Tiroche Gallery, London
works by a kaleidoscope of international artists, spanning almost seventy-five years and five continents, in the first of a two-part exhibition celebrating the legacy of Abstraction


Modern Art
Justin Caguiat: Dreampop
@ Modern Art, London
“in Caguiat’s work, painting has lost its support and follows the artist like a scrim traveling with a dance company or performing troupe” – Thomas Killian Roach


Jack Bell Gallery
Lavar Munroe: Kurova Guva
@ Jack Bell Gallery, London
new paintings by Munroe which borrow from anthropology to explore the ritual-myth of Kurova Guva, used to “call home the spirit of the dead” among the Shona People of Zimbabwe and surrounding areas

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All artists showing this week:
A · Luis Alberto Acuña · Arnaud Adami · Igshaan Adams · Derrick Adams · Etel Adnan · Ai-Da Robot · Philip Akkerman · John Akomfrah · Jananne Al-Ani · Daniel Ambrosi · Ghada Amer · Hélène Amouzou · El Anatsui · Laura Anderson Barbata · Mamma Andersson · Jasmin Anoschkin · Leonor Antunes · Alexander Apóstol · Emanoel Araújo · Luis Arenal · Hans Arp · Daniel Arsham · Nancy Atakan · Pablo Atchugarry · Jess Atieno · B · Lutz Bacher · Francis Bacon · Megan Baker · Idun Baltzersen · Cristina BanBan · Ali Banisadr · Simeon Barclay · Alvaro Barrington · Georg Baselitz · Stig Baumgartner · Kelly Beeman · Hans Bellmer · Tony Berlant · Cindy Bernhard · Alma Berrow · Jacob van der Beugel · Tony Bevan · Noah Beyene · Ashley Bickerton · Juan Bolivar · Agostino Bonalumi · Derek Boshier · Fernando Botero · Max Boyla · Mark Bradford · Claudio Bravo · Amy Bravo · William Brickel · Brianna Rose Brooks · Carol K. Brown · Melissa Brown · Glenn Brown · Stefan Brüggemann · Daniel Brusatin · Fernando Bryce · Daniel Buren · Ernesto Burgos · James Lee Byars · C · Cabrita · Justin Caguiat · Alexander Calder · Luis Camnitzer · Rebecca Campbell · Tomo Campbell · Manuel Cancel · Tania Candiani · Agustín Cárdenas · Juan Cárdenas · Santiago Cárdenas-Arroyo · Anthony Caro · Valentin Carron · Leda Catunda · Nick Cave · Saint Clair Cemin · Marc Chagall · Julian Charriere · Christo · Ed Clark · Richard Combes · Joseph Cornell · Mary Corse · Daniel Crews-Chubb · Anthony Cudahy · Aaron Curry · D · Marilá Dardot · Ian Davenport · Annette Davidek · Vincenzo De Cotiis · Edmund de Waal · Deanio X · Jean-Philippe Delhomme · Patrick Demarchelier · Tomory Dodge · Arthur Dove · Rike Droescher · Sue Dunkley · E · Melvin Edwards · Henrik Eiben · Elmgreen & Dragset · Signe Emdal · Ndidi Emefiele · Zhang Enli · Haris Epaminonda · Awol Erizku · Manuel Aja Espil · Angèle Etoundi Essamba · John Evans · F · Sam Falls · Leyla Faye · Spencer Finch · Shannon Finley · Urs Fischer · Sylvie Fleury · Lucio Fontana · Armet Francis · Pia Fries · Gajin Fujita · G · Ted Gahl · Ryan Gander · Manu García · Anna Bella Geiger · Nancy Genn · Adrian Ghenie · Lina Ghotmeh · John Giorno · Angela Glajcar · Tomoo Gokita · Philipp Goldbach · Susan Goldsmith · Clare Goodwin · Gordon Onslow Ford · Laurent Grasso · Giorgio Griffa · Philip Gröning · Katharina Grosse · Antoine Grumbach · Wade Guyton · H · Evelina Hägglund · Maggi Hambling · Francis Hamel · Frederick Hammersley · Joseph Hart · Hans Hartung · Flora Hauser · Erik Madigan Heck · Alex Heilbron · Angela Heisch · Tamara Henderson · Bill Henson · Albano Hernández · Jaylon Israel Hicks · Sheila Hicks · Candida Höfer · Loie Hollowell · Jenny Holzer · Thomas Houseago · Ana Mercedes Hoyos · John Hultberg · I · Florine Imo · Robert Indiana · Robert Irwin · Tetsuya Ishida · Alex Israel · J · Alexander James · Dana James · Sunghee Jang · Derek Jarman · Cui Jie · Lisa Jo · Chantal Joffe · Tim Johnson · Samuel Levi Jones · Hans Josephsohn · Bernard Joubert · K · Richard Kaplenig · Alex Katz · Tadashi Kawamata · Chen Ke · William Kentridge · Robin Kid · Minjung Kim · Heesoo Kim · Jason Boyd Kinsella · R.B. Kitaj · Zoe Koke · Abdoulaye Konaté · Harmony Korine · Jannis Kounellis · Klára Kuchta · Guillermo Kuitca · Hanns Kunitzberger · Michael Kvium · L · Joy Labinjo · Mariana Lacerda · Damian Le Bas · Anne Le Troter · Lisa Lebofsky · Lee Seung-Jio · Sujin Lee · Seung-Taek Lee · IL Lee · Kalliopi Lemos · Ellen Lesperance · Zilla Leutenegger · Andrew Lewis · Norman Lewis · Roy Lichtenstein · Sergio Lombardo · M · Elizabeth Magill · Erica Mahinay · Aaron Maier-Carretero · Sally Mann · Ana Manso · David Manzur · Helen Marden · Marianne Marić · Simon Martin · Eddie Martinez · Laure Mary · Gareth Mason · Gabriel Massan · Wangari Mathenge · Georges Mathieu · Fabio Mauri · Anita Mazzucca · Rita McBride · Paul McCarthy · John McCracken · Jonathan Meese · Fausto Melotti · Beatriz Milhazes · Ad Minoliti · Małgorzata Mirga-Tas · Helen Mirra · Joan Mitchell · Jesse Mockrin · Adeline de Monseignat · Fabio Morais · Armando Morales · Delcy Morelos · Yasumasa Morimura · Sabine Moritz · Rebecca Morris · Ragen Moss · Olivier Mosset · Jean-Luc Moulène · Tania Mouraud · Ron Mueck · Christian John Munks · Lavar Munroe · Takashi Murakami · My-Lan Hoang-Thuy · N · Katsumi Nakai · Hitoshi Nakazato · Xie Nanxing · Robert Natkin · Nika Neelova · Tahmina Negmat · Edgar Negret · Shirin Neshat · Rivane Neuenschwander · Louise Nevelson · Jordy van den Nieuwendijk · Cady Noland · Josèfa Ntjam · Tiina Elina Nurminen · Jim Nutt · O · Mel Odom · Albert Oehlen · Catherine Opie · Eamon Ore-Giron · Omotunwase Osinaike · William Osorio · P · Grace Pailthorpe · Juan Arango Palacios · Julio le Parc · Claudio Parmiggiani · Aimée Parrott · Nicolas Party · Ricardo Passaporte · Ksenia Pasyura · José Patrício · Antonio Paucar · Irving Penn · Giuseppe Penone · Amalia Pica · Pablo Picasso · Jack Pierson · Diogo Pimentão · Michelangelo Pistoletto · Robert Pokorny · Christiane Pooley · Larry Poons · Jiab Prachakul · Gonçalo Preto · Richard Prince · Laure Prouvost · Q · Qian Qian · Christina Quarles · R · Jacqueline Rabun · Fiona Rae · Sahana Ramakrishnan · Sandra Ramos · Li Ran · Brian Michael Reed · Paula Rego · Emma Reyes · Jewyo Rhii · Robin Rhode · Daniel Richter · Janet Rickus · Gabriel Rico · Noguchi Rika · Jean-Paul Riopelle · Diego Rivera · Jenni Rope · George Rouy · Gino Rubert · Glen Rubsamen · Gary Ruddell · Julia de Ruvo · S · Alison Saar · Lin May Saeed · Niki de Saint Phalle · Anri Sala · Rebecca Salter · Mohammed Sami · Bárbara Sánchez-Kane · Eduardo Sarabia · Viviane Sassen · Hans Schabus · Chris Schanck · Kenny Scharf · Hubert Scheibl · Lina Scheynius · Albrecht Schnider · Jana Schröder · Michael Scott · Sean Scully · George Segal · Tariku Shiferaw · Ding Shilun · Yinka Shonibare CBE · Sof’ya Shpurova · Tang Shuo · Katharina Sieverding · Lorna Simpson · Avery Singer · Michael E. Smith · Michael Snow · Joan Snyder · Valeska Soares · Nelio Sonego · Keith Sonnier · Pierre Soulages · Vaughn Spann · Austin Osman Spare · Marlene Steyn · Rudolf Stingel · Marjorie Strider · Michelle Stuart · Don Suggs · Hiroshi Sugimoto · Emma Summerton · Eleanor Swordy · T · Cathy Tabbakh · Sophie Taeuber-Arp · Shinkichi Tajiri · Mohammad Ali Talpur · Rufino Tamayo · Kazuhito Tanaka · Antoni Tàpies · Brett Taylor · Eyasu Telayneh · Evita Tezeno · Yvonne Thomas · Mickalene Thomas · Blair Thurman · Mimi Chen Ting · Warlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri · Gert & Uwe Tobias · Joaquín Torres-García · Patricia Traub · Elizabeth Turk · Martha Tuttle · U · Anna Uddenberg · Lee Ufan · Peter Uka · V · Mia Vallance · Johannes VanDerBeek · Sophia Vari · Antonio Vega Macotela · Christophe Verfaille · Claude Viallat · Charline von Heyl · W · Jaap Wagemaker · Alexandre Wagner · Mark Wallinger · Marine Wallon · Andy Warhol · Albert Watson · Gillian Wearing · Matt Wedel · Lawrence Weiner · Sunneva Ása Weisshappel · Eric Wert · Eric Wesley · Anna Weyant · Austin Martin White · Will St. John · Sue Williams · Paul Winstanley · Tom Wudl · X · Marina Xenofontos · Y · Liu Ye · Yoon Seo Lee · Shizuko Yoshikawa · Jon Young · John Yuyi · Z · Zao Wou-Ki · Eric Zener · Chen Zhen · Zio Ziegler · Antoinette Zwirchmayr



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5 Vigo Street, London W1S 3HB, UK
All images © the gallery and the artist(s)
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